Summarised Financial Statements for the period October – December 2005

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Pro forma, full year 2005 • Net sales grew by 9%, from SEK 9,720 million in 2004 to SEK10,573 million in 2005. • The Group’s operating profit excluding items affecting comparability totalled SEK 530 million (414), an increase of 28%. • Earnings are impacted by items affecting comparability to the amount of SEK 201 million; principally restructuring expenses related to the merger. • Profit before tax and exclusive of non-recurring items amounted to SEK 461 million (360). • Earnings after tax amounted to SEK 340 million (274) exclusive of non-recurring items. • The integration process has proceeded on schedule, and synergies in the neighbourhood of SEK 150 million are expected to yield full effects from 2008 onwards. • A decision was made on a substancial increase in the production capacity for CBE (Cocoa Butter Equivalents). Summarised Financial Statements for the period October – December 2005; the first financial year of the new AarhusKarlshamn Group • The integration process has proceeded on schedule, and synergies in the neighbourhood of SEK 150 million are expected to yield full effects from 2008 onwards. • Net sales reached SEK 2,990 million. • The operating income exclusive of non-recurring items, and IAS39, amounted to SEK 153 million. • Non-recurring items had a SEK 201 million impact on earnings; the majority of which were restructuring costs related to the merger, and the implementation of IAS39 had a negative effect of SEK 8 million, attributable to raw material and currency derivatives, totalling 209 MSEK. • Operating result including these items amounted to -56 MSEK. • Earnings before tax and inclusive of items affecting comparability, totalled SEK -64 million. • Income after tax amounted to -46 MSEK. • Earnings per share was -1,12 SEK. • The Board of Directors of AarhusKarlshamn proposes an ordinary dividend of 4 SEK per share for the year 2005. In addition the board proposes an extra dividend of 25 SEK per share aiming to bring the company´s capital structure in line with its needs. Technically the ordinary and the extra dividend cannot be decided until the extra ordinary shareholders meeting. Jerker Hartwall President and C.E.O. For further information, phone: +46 (0)454-826 03 These interim figures have not been audited.


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