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  • Telephone conference for press contacts and stock market analysts in connection with the release of our Summarised Financial Statement 2007 and Interim Report, fourth quarter as of 31 December 2007.

Telephone conference for press contacts and stock market analysts in connection with the release of our Summarised Financial Statement 2007 and Interim Report, fourth quarter as of 31 December 2007.

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In connection with the release of AarhusKarlshamns´s Summarised Financial Statement 2007 and our interim report for the period September -December 2007, we invite you to a "Press & Analyst Conference" by telephone. The conference will be chaired by Jerker Hartwall, the Group´s President and C.E.O. and will be held in English. CFO, Anders Byström, will be present.

Time: Thursday 21 February 2008, at 1 p.m., Scandinavian time.

How to register in advance:
A link will be published on our website, www.aak.com. Those wishing to attend the conference are kindly asked to click on the link for registration and fill in your details and from which country you will call from. Each participant will then be allocated the conference call number, a participant user pin, conference pin and instructions on how to join the conference call. For security purposes please do not give out your conference details for others to use. All participants must register individually to join the call.

For connecting to the conference call you dial the conference number provided on the confirmation not later than 12.55 a.m., Scandinavian time, 21 February 2008.

At the same time, a link to Jerker Hartwall´s presentation material will be available on our website.

The Summarised Financial Statement 2007 will be released on 21 February before 9 a.m., Scandinavian time.

Should you have any questions, please contact:
Bo Svensson Vice President och CIO
Phone: + 46 40 627 83 31
Mobil: + 46 708 18 21 93


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