60 Volvo buses to Senegal
60 Volvo buses to Senegal Volvo Buses has received an order from Senegal in West Africa for 60 city buses. The buses will go into service in the capital, Dakar. This is Volvo's first order from Senegal for city buses. The order has come about in close cooperation with SIDA.(Swedish Interantional Development Cooperation Agency) The purchaser is the Senegalese finance ministry, who will lease the buses to a local operator in Dakar. There are currently no modern city buses in Dakar. Public transport for most people means a van with wooden benches in the back for passengers to sit on. Improved city traffic increases opportunities for people in Dakar to safely go to work, school, etc. SIDA wants with this investment to strengthen the environment, economic growth and employment in Senegal. The buses will feature the Volvo Buses B7R chassis. Setcar, Volvo Buses' importer in Tunisia manufactures the bodies. Delivery will take place during this coming winter. The order does not only comprise buses, but also includes training of mechanics, special tools and spare parts for the chassis and for the bodies. Volvo Buses will also have an engineer on site in Dakar in a supporting role for the first year. Volvo Buses has prior to this order only sold a few coaches in Senegal. "This order will hopefully lead to more in the future," says Håkan Sjöberg, sales manager for Africa/Middle East. "There is great demand, but it is difficult for the country to find the required financing." June 10, 2004 For further information, please contact Håkan Sjöberg, Sales Manager Africa/Middle East +46 31 322 42 02 or Per-Martin Johansson, Press Officer, +46 31 322 52 00 Volvo Bus Corporation is the world's second-largest manufacturer of large buses and coaches. The range comprises complete vehicles, chassis, bus bodies, transport system solutions for metropolitan traffic, leasing, financing and service contract maintenance. Volvo Bus Corporation is part of the Volvo Group, one of the world's leading manufacturers of trucks, buses and construction equipment, drive systems for marine and industrial applications, aerospace components and services. The Group also provides complete solutions for financing and service. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/06/10/20040610BIT20030/wkr0006.pdf