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  • Absolicon and The Canary Islands Institute of Technology showcase newly commissioned solar thermal installation in Gran Canaria

Absolicon and The Canary Islands Institute of Technology showcase newly commissioned solar thermal installation in Gran Canaria

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During 2022 Absolicon installed and commissioned solar thermal at The Canary Islands Institute of Technology, ITC. The installation is built as a model to showcase how the transition from fossil fuel to solar heating can work in Canary Island industries. On December 1st industry and research representatives visit ITC in Gran Canaria for a seminar and demonstration of Absolicon technology.

The Absolicon installation in the Canary Islands includes an 88 m2 solar thermal field of Absolicon T160 solar collectors located at The Canary Islands Institute of Technology’s (ITC) facilities in Pozo Izquierdo (Gran Canaria) and a solar central unit to produce steam at 4 bar.

To showcase the newly commissioned solar field, ITC has organized a seminar on the decarbonisation of Canary island industries with solar thermal, including a tour of Absolicon solar installation.

In November 2021 Absolicon won a procurement with ITC to install a concentrated solar field to produce steam. ITC sought disruptive technologies in the industrial sector to reduce the dependency and climate impact of fossil fuels. That is one of the objectives of European project ACLIEMAC https://www.acliemac.com/es/ coordinated by ITC. Absolicon’s solar thermal installation will now serve as a reference for industries in Canary Islands on how to introduce solar heat in their processes.

ITC initiated the solar heating project based on a calculation that the industry in the Canary Islands can easily install 100,000 m2 of solar collectors and replace 10,000 tonnes of fuels.

Absolicon T160 patented technology, with an operational temperature of up to 160°C heat and 8 bar steam, match the thermal energy demand in a wide range of industrial processes. The Absolicon solar collectors have the highest optical efficiency ever achieved by a small concentrating collector and the collector price is optimized by its streamlined design allowing mass production.

Joakim Byström vd Absolicon Solar Collector AB
Email: joakim@absolicon.com
Phone: +46 611-55 70 00

Press: https://www.absolicon.com/press-news/press-material/

Absolicon is a listed Swedish solar energy company, specializing in concentrated solar heating. The solar collector T160 operates up to 160°C and has the highest optical efficiency ever measured for a commercially available small parabolic trough. After achieving groundbreaking performance, Absolicon has built two robotized production lines, one in Sweden and one in China that can produce 50 MWp(th) annually, one 5.5 m2 solar collector every six minutes. The company combines solar energy research with sales of solar collector fields to industries that need heat and steam and complete robotic production lines for T160.