UPS parantaa palvelutasojaan terveydenhuoltoalan lämpötilaherkille kuljetuksille

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UPS on aina pyrkinyt täyttämään terveydenhuoltoalan korkeat vaatimukset lämpöherkkien tuotteiden kuljetuksen suhteen. Palvelujen eri tasot on ryhmitelty Temperature True® -palveluvalikoiman alle ja näitä tasoja on nyt kehitetty edelleen ja tarkennettu siten, että jakeluketju vastaa jokaisen asiakkaan tarpeita. Eri palvelutasot nimettiin kuvastamaan tarjotun palvelun laajuutta: UPS Temperature True Plus®, UPS Temperature True Standard® ja UPS Temperature True Saver® (lisää tietoa palvelutasoista löydät alla olevasta lehdistötiedotteesta). Palvelukokonaisuus sisältää myös ympärivuorokautisen laadunvarmistuksen, ohjeistukset lämpötilaherkkien tuotteiden pakkaamiseen, riskien arvioinnin, seurannan sekä mahdollisuuden hyödyntää huippuluokan teknologiaa.

Lisätietoja UPS:stä ja lämpötilaherkkien tuotteiden käsittelystä löydät alla olevasta lehdistötiedotteesta.

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UPS Introduces New Shipment Service Levels For Its Temperature True® Portfolio

Brussels, Feb. 20, 2014, UPS (NYSE: UPS) today announced new service levels in Europe for managing the full range of temperature-sensitive healthcare products as part of its UPS Temperature True® portfolio. Healthcare companies can now choose from tiered service levels based on the degree of control needed, leveraging both the speed of air and the economies of ocean freight while ensuring protection all along the supply chain.

The newly expanded service levels provide varying degrees of risk mitigation to match the needs of different products, while maintaining the highest standard of quality, reliability and world-class service that UPS is known for.

"A growing number of healthcare products have temperature-sensitive requirements, supply chains are extending into new markets, and the regulations governing transportation are expanding," said Daniel Gagnon, director of healthcare strategy and marketing, UPS Europe. "The UPS Temperature True service options help our customers manage their supply chains more efficiently and ensure compliance for a broader range of product temperature requirements."

Service levels include:

  • UPS Temperature True Plus®, a tightly controlled and customized shipment service that provides the highest degree of risk mitigation. It includes comprehensive processes for managing shipment temperatures during transit and meeting time-in-transit requirements.
  • UPS Temperature True Standard® is ideal for shipments that need lower levels of in-transit monitoring, while still helping healthcare companies maintain product compliance.
  • UPS Temperature True Saver®, a first-to-market standardized ocean freight solution for temperature-sensitive shipments, is currently being piloted with customers and will roll out later this year. This option is ideal for large volume shipments where cost management and regulatory compliance are both paramount.

These are the latest expansions to the UPS Temperature True global portfolio, which includes a broad range of services and solutions to protect temperature-sensitive healthcare products including quality assurance support and 24/7 control tower monitoring scalable to the service level desired. In addition to the new service level transportation options, the portfolio includes packaging consulting services for temperature-sensitive products as well as best-in-class technology, proactive monitoring and intervention services, risk management and contingency planning as well as deep regulatory compliance expertise.

To learn more about UPS Temperature True, visit

Contact: Carsten HelssenUPS Europe Public Relations,

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UPS (NYSE: UPS) is a global leader in logistics, offering a broad range of solutions including the transportation of packages and freight; the facilitation of international trade, and the deployment of advanced technology to more efficiently manage the world of business. Headquartered in Atlanta, UPS serves more than 220 countries and territories worldwide. The company can be found on the Web at and its corporate blog can be found at To get UPS news direct, visit

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