Acando delivers e-archive to collaboration project

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The collaboration project REDA has chosen Acando as supplier of the overall solution for an e-archive. The purpose of the project is to secure today´s increasing number of documents for the afterworld through digital preservation.

REDA is a collaboration project between Region Skåne, the National Archives, Lund University and the City of Lund, with the task of developing a common solution for digital preservation based on established standards. One of the most important tasks of an e-archive is to secure that today´s archived documents can be recovered and read without corruption of content in the future, regardless of tomorrow´s technology and new formats. The e-archive should secure the parties´ large and growing amount of information, such as medical records, research material and municipal documents. An e-archive can replace today´s management of paper, which reduces the cost of management and storage, reduces environmental impact, and at the same time enables easier access to information. ”An important requirement of the solution is that it should be flexible and fit many areas. Acando adds business knowledge as well as technical knowledge, through their experience from the development of other e-archive solutions”, says Jörgen Andersson, commercially responsible for REDA. ”Together with REDA we now develop a solution in the forefront of the e-archive area”, says Liselott Ringborg, responsible for Acando´s e-archive operation.

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