Interim Report January 1 – March 31, 2010

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• Net sales amounted to SEK 360 m (409) • Operating profit amounted to SEK 19 m (22). In the preceding year, SEK 20 m in restructuring costs was charged against operating profit. • The operating margin was 5.4 percent (5.4) • Profit after tax amounted to SEK 15 m (21) • Earnings per share after dilution amounted to SEK 0.25 (0.27) • Cash and cash equivalents amounted to SEK 119 m (207)

Statement by Carl-Magnus Månsson, CEO The signs of stabilization seen during the latter part of 2009 were gradually strengthened during the first quarter of 2010. It is primarily in Sweden that we saw an improvement in the market situation, although competition for assignments remained intense. Other parts of the Group continued to be affected by weak demand and price pressure. Prerequisites vary greatly between offerings and geographic areas. The trend for net sales and operating profit during the first quarter of 2010 reflected the fact that utilization for our consultants gradually increased for each month. Our work to change the business model to comprise a greater component of project-based undertakings and an increased share of application management assignments continued. Although only a relatively few large projects were initiated in the current market climate, Acando won a number of projects during the quarter in which we are responsible for increasing process efficiency and rolling out the associated system support in both the Microsoft and SAP environments. To be able to continue providing cost-effective delivery models in both project undertakings and maintenance phases, Acando signed a contract that gives us access to established offshore capacity in India through an expanded partnership with the Sopra Group. Acando already has a partnership with the Sopra Group intended to serve European customers requiring a presence in all of Europe. The year 2010 will offer many opportunities for Acando together with new and existing customers. The focus will remain on continued growth within current geographic areas. Recruitment work has been intensified, and we currently see a need to recruit a net of slightly more than 100 employees to the Group during the year.

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