Interimreport January-March 2008: Operating profit rose by 34 percent

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First quarter 2008 compared with first quarter 2007

• Net sales amounted to SEK 409m (323), an increase of 27 percent.
• Operating profit was SEK 39m (29), a rise of 34 percent.
• Profit after tax rose to SEK 52m (32), an improvement of 62 percent.
• Earnings per share after dilution amounted to SEK 0.65 (0.37), an increase of 76 percent.
• Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 41m (21), a rise of 95 percent.
• The shares in AS WMG (Webmedia) were sold during the quarter with a capital gain of SEK 13m. (The capital gain is included in "Profit after tax" and in “Earnings per share” but not in the operating profit).
• Acando signed framework agreements during the quarter with Region Västra Götaland (VGR), Verva (the Swedish Administrative Development Agency) and TeliaSonera.

Significant event further to the end of the period
Acando's financial target: The Board of Directors has resolved that Acando's principal financial target shall be to increase earnings per share (EPS) by at least 15 percent per annum. Certain restrictions with regard to maximum debt-equity ratio and minimum available liquidity shall also apply.

Consolidated sales and profit
Consolidated net sales for the Group amounted to SEK 409m (323), representing an increase of 27 percent compared with the same period 2007. The operating profit was SEK 39m compared with SEK 29m in the same period last year, resulting in an operating margin of 9.5 percent (7.9). Further to the improvement in profits and the repurchase of shares, earnings per share have developed positively and amounted to SEK 0.65 – representing a rise of 76 percent compared with the same period last year. Profit after tax for the quarter amounted to SEK 52m (32). The operating profit on a rolling 12-month basis has improved to SEK 112m.

Please find the report in the attached pdf-file.
Price-sensitive information reported to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

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