Rapid responses in Nacka municipality

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Direct notification of waiting times and the possibility to monitor each case via the Internet – this will be reality for Nacka residents when the municipality's new document and case management system becomes operational.

"Whether a municipality resident needs to apply for a trustee/custodian or wants to report that a streetlamp outside their house does not work – contact with the municipality must be equally smooth and easy. Nacka residents will feel secure in knowing that all cases are handled in the same simple and well thought-out way," says Lennart Jonasson, chief administrative officer of Nacka municipality.

In Nacka's new system, citizens will be able to fill in a form on the Internet and sign their documents electronically. This will enable simplified handling of each item and for the municipality's internal administration to be more effective.

"When the solution has been fully installed, case officers will be able to work more effectively and obtain a better overview of their items in progress. Security and quality will increase when all documents and cases are brought together instead of being spread over different systems – it will be possible to manage and monitor the flow of items more easily. Everyone will be able to search and see the current status, irrespective of whether they are a citizen, case officer or executor," says Lennart Jonasson.

For some time now, Nacka has tried to find a case and document management system that meets the requirements of both staff and citizens. When no existing system suited the municipality's way of working, they started to look for other solutions, which has now led to Nacka signing an agreement with the consultancy company Acando AB. Acando's solution is based on Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 and enables the municipality to obtain a system that fulfils its requirements.

"Nacka is the first municipality in Sweden to build its case management system in this way. Based on the strong standard product, Acando will develop the solution so that it will be adapted to Nacka. We are convinced that the solution will be interesting for other municipalities, organisations and companies to evaluate and implement," says Gunilla Bjerre, Chief Operating Officer at Acando.

The new document and case management system will enter into service at the end of 2008.

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