Resolution adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

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English version of earlier published pressrelease
The following was resolved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Acando AB (publ) held on 15 August 2007:

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders unanimously adopted the Board of Directors' proposal to introduce a share savings programme ("the Programme") based on the following main conditions and principles.

The Programme will comprise in total no more than 70 senior executives and other key people in Acando principally active in Sweden. After a qualification period of slightly more than two and a half years and assuming an investment of their own in Acando shares, the participants will be given the opportunity, without consideration, to receive allotments of additional Acando shares – the number of which will depend partly on the number of Acando shares in their own investment and partly on whether certain performance conditions have been fulfilled. The term of the Programme is proposed to be slightly more than two and a half years.

The Shareholders' Meeting adopted the Board of Directors' principal alternative (that entails a lower cost than the second alternative), implying that the financial exposure that the Programme is expected to occasion be secured through the issue, repurchase and conversion of redeemable and convertible Series C shares to Series B shares.

The objective of the Programme is to create prerequisites to attract, recruit and retain leading executives and other key people.

Gunnar Ek, representative of the Swedish Shareholders' Association (Sveriges Aktiesparares Riksförbund), was positive to the Programme because the staff take a personal risk through their own investment, and that there is a ceiling and thereby a limitation of related costs incorporated in the Programme. He concluded by saying "It is time for us to vote in favour of the Programme."

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