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2009 compared to 2008

• Net sales amounted to SEK 1,436m (1,611), a decrease of 11 percent compared to last year. • Operating profit excluding restructuring costs of SEK 20m from the first quarter was SEK 86m (152), a decrease of 43 percent. Operating profit including restructuring costs was SEK 66m (152), a decrease of 56 percent. • Profit after tax amounted to SEK 62m (168), a decrease of 63 percent. • Cash flow from current operations was SEK 52m (192), a decrease of 73 percent. • Group cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December 2009 amounted to SEK 105m (181), a decrease of 42 percent compared to 31 December 2008. • Earnings per share after dilution, excluding restructuring costs of SEK 20m, were SEK 1.07 (2.15), a decrease of 50 percent. Earnings per share after dilution, including restructuring costs, were SEK 0.80 (2.15), a decrease of 63 percent. • The Board of Directors intends to propose to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to declare a dividend of SEK 0.50 per share, corresponding to a total of around SEK 38m. Fourth quarter 2009 compared to fourth quarter 2008 • Net sales amounted to SEK 351m (438), a decrease of 20 percent compared to last year. • Operating profit was SEK 20m (47), a decrease of 57 percent. • Profit after tax amounted to SEK 20m (50), a decrease of 60 percent. • Earnings per share after dilution were SEK 0.26 (0.65), a decrease of 60 percent.

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