Walker Morris wins the Home Office Alcohol Intensive Support Training Programme

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​Lawyers at Walker Morris have been successful in winning the Home Office contract to conduct a programme of intensive training relating to tackling alcohol related crime, disorder and public nuisance.

The events will allow for the provision of expert advice and support tailored to individual Community Safety Partnerships in tackling alcohol related crime and disorder, with a focus on providing training seminars on the practical use of key enforcement tools and powers and to include any new licensing legislation or policy.


Walker Morris will also provide direct support and mentoring of local enforcement officers during ‘live’ inspections of identified high risk licensed premises. They will provide mentoring of local officers in undertaking any necessary enforcement action during premises inspections. This work will be undertaken on a National basis.


There will also be sessions for, and advice to, local residents and community groups empowering them to respond to local licensing problems and effectively police their own communities and the sharing of good practice with input, where necessary, from organisations such as Purple Flag, Best Bar None (BBN), Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), Proof of Age Standards Scheme and Pubwatch.


Paddy Whur, Partner at Walker Morris said:


"We are delighted to have won this contract and the overall aim is to provide support to local areas in tackling alcohol related crime and disorder. We have enjoyed a strong working relationship with the Home Office over the last two years-being short listed for the 'best example of collaborative working with the Home Office' in the Supplier Value and Innovation Awards Programme 2010. We will continue to carry out this training function in the Partnership spirit of the Licensing Act".


For further information relating to this press release please contact Jen Cooke or Rachael Hunter on 0845 4567251 or email jenc@acceleris-mc.co.uk

