Change in ownership in AddLife
Today, Roosgruppen AB acquired 465,889 class A shares in AddLife AB, corresponding to 1.9 percent of the share capital and 13.8 percent of the number of votes in the company. Roosgruppen AB has thus received the opportunity to increase their ownership in AddLife AB in connection with Anders Börjesson’s decision to divest his shareholding.
Roosgruppen AB is, after the acquisition of the class A shares, the largest owner of AddLife AB with a total of 469,923 class A shares and 3,424,494 class B shares, corresponding to 15.8 percent of the total share capital and 24.1% of the total number of votes.
- “I am very pleased to now be able to increase my ownership in AddLife, which has showed a very positive trend since the listing in spring 2016. I have been interested in the life science industry ever since the acquisition of Mediplast in 1998, which is now part of AddLife, and are looking forward to a continued commitment to the company”, says Håkan Roos.
Anders Börjesson has been the largest owner in terms of votes in AddLife since the spin-off from Addtech.
- “I am extremely pleased with AddLife’s development and truly pleased that the shares are held by Roosgruppen”, says Anders Börjesson.
The change in ownership will not cause any immediate change of the Board of Directors during the current financial year.
- “The change in ownership that is now taking place ensure continued continuity and stability for AddLife’s development. It is very positive that Roosgruppen, who already is the company’s largest owner in term of equity, chooses to further increase its shareholding in AddLife when opportunity now was given”, says Johan Sjö, Chairman of the Board.
Stockholm 14 September 2017
AddLife AB (publ)
For further information, please contact:
Johan Sjö, Chairman of the Board, AddLife AB, +46 (0)70 799 40 44
AddLife is an independent player in Life Science that offers high-quality products, services and advice to both the private and public sector, mainly in the Nordic region. AddLife has about 600 employees in some 35 subsidiaries that operate under their own brands. The Group has annual sales of about SEK 2.0 billion. AddLife shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
This information is information that AddLife AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 12:30 CET on 14 September 2017.