Addtech AB - Repurchase of own shares

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Addtech has on 8 December 2005 repurchased 100 000 of its own class B shares at an average price of  SEK 86,75. The total number of shares held in treasury amounts to 1 360 000 class B shares. The total number of shares in Addtech amounts to 25 332 832.
Stockholm, 8 December 2005
Addtech AB (publ)
The press release can be downloaded from the following link:

For further information contact <!-- hugin-supplied --><br> Kennet Göransson, CFO Addtech AB, +46 8 470 49 10 <!-- hugin-supplied --><br> Johan Bark, Handelsbanken Capital Markets, +46 8 701 31 14 <!-- hugin-supplied --><br> <!-- hugin-supplied --><br> <!-- hugin-supplied --><br> Addtech is a technology trading group that develops and sells components and products to industrial companies and the service industry. The Group has annual sales of about MSEK 3,000 and has about 1,200 employees. The majority of customers are manufacturers in the mechanical, vehicle, telecom and electronics industries, and laboratories within health care and research in the Nordic Region. Addtech provides its customers with technical as well as economic value added.


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