Addtech Group management change

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After fifteen years with the Group, Kennet Göransson, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Addtech AB, will be leaving his position at Addtech to assume a position outside the Group. A new chief financial officer will be recruited and from when Kennet leaves his post this summer and until this recruitment has been finalized Group Controller Susann Nyberg will be appointed to serve as acting chief financial officer.

Richard Gustafsson, Vice President and responsible for business development, will be leaving the Addtech Group during the next quarter. His duties will be taken over by other officers.

Going into the 2010/2011 operating year, Addtech's Group management will be supplemented by Åke Darfeldt (Business Area Manager for Addtech Energy & Equipment) and Göran Brandt (Business Area Manager for Addtech Life Science). Aside from Åke and Göran, Group Management consists of Johan Sjö (President and Chief Executive Officer), Anders Claeson (Executive Vice President and Business Area Manager for Addtech Components) and Håkan Franzén (Business Area Manager for Addtech Industrial Solutions). 

Stockholm, 30 March 2010

Addtech AB (publ)

For additional information, contact:

Johan Sjö, President & CEO, +46 8 470 49 00
