Year-end report 2002
Year-end report 2002 Vinge maintains its position in a turbulent market · Vinge's turnover increased to SEK 776 million in 2002 compared to SEK 770 million for 2001. · Vinge retains its pole position in the lists over the Nordic countries' leading commercial law firms. · The turnover per lawyer for 2002 amounted to approximately SEK 2.9 million. · At the end of 2002, the number of lawyers at Vinge amounted to 271, of which 88 were female lawyers and 183 male lawyers. · During 2002, investments in mainly marketing, knowledge management and IT, amounting to approximately SEK 28 million, were carried out. · In 2002, Vinge launched its three-year project "Working life on equal terms - a diversity project". Stockholm 28 March 2003 Advokatfirman Vinge KB/ The Board For more information, please contact: Stockholm Michael Wigge, ph. +46 (0)8-614 3056, +46 (0)70-714 3056, e-mail: Smålandsgatan 20, P.O. Box 1703, SE-111 87 Stockholm, Sweden Gothenburg Olle Lindén, ph. +46 (0)31-722 3544. +46 (0)70-872 7144 e-mail: Nils Ericsonsgatan 17, P.O. Box 11025, SE-404 21 Gothenburg, Sweden Malmoe/Helsingborg Peter Oscarsson, Managing Partner, ph. +46 (0)40-664 5522, +46 (0)70-512 0565 e-mail: Östergatan 30, P.O. Box 5255, SE-203 13 Malmoe, Sweden ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: The full report The full report