Publication of prospectus with respect to Aerocrine´s new share issue 2008

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The board of directors of Aerocrine AB has prepared a prospectus with respect to a share issue with preferential rights for the company´s shareholders. The prospectus is available on or (ongoing projects).

The prospectus is also available free of charge from Aerocrine AB, Sundbybergsvägen 9, Box 1024, SE-171 73 Solna, Sweden, as well as from Avanza Bank AB, Klarabergsgatan 60, Box 1399, SE-111 93 Stockholm, Sweden. Shareholders who are directly registered as holders of the Aerocrine share as at November 13 will receive the prospectus by mail.

Solna November 12 2008
Aerocrine AB (publ)

For further information contact:

Paul de Potocki, CEO, telephone: +46 8 629 07 82

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