ÅF wins new hydro power consulting contracts

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 For further information:
 Roberto Gerosa, President, AF Colenco AG +41 79 445 7190

 Eero Auranne, President, Energy Division +358 40 348 5120

 Viktor Svensson, Vice President IR       +46 70 657 20 26

ÅF's Swiss subsidiary AF-Colenco has been awarded an additional contract for the
ongoing Nant de Drance pump storage power plant project in Switzerland (the
initial contract worth 27 million Euros was announced 23rd of September 2009,
seewww.afconsult.com <http://www.afconsult.com>).

The new scope of work includes an evaluation of increasing the capacity from
600 MW to 900 MW and related design tasks.

Other projects signed by AF-Colenco where a feasibility study for a hydro power
plant in Myanmar - and a similar hydro power contract in India.

These contracts all together are worth over 4 million Euros for ÅF.

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