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Fenris the Cocker Spaniel defies death after licking jellyfish

Swift vet action saved the day as UK family warns other pet owners about beach safety.


During a stroll in Colwyn Bay, Fenris the 11-month-old Cocker Spaniel encountered a Lion's Mane jellyfish. The happy-go-lucky pup licked the jellyfish, immediately causing vomiting and distress. In a  desperate state, Fenris ingested sand and sea water.


Recognising the urgency, her owner rushed her to a nearby weekend vet. Acting swiftly, the vet administered antihistamines and opioids to counter venom effects. A 20-minute window was crucial to avert life-threatening reactions.

Mischievous Weinmaraner swallows a BBQ skewer

UK family sends desperate warning to other pet owners after their beloved dog, Barbara, nearly died from swallowing a BBQ skewer.


Barbara, a three year old Weimaraner, had mischievous tendencies that led to her reputation as an "opportunist food thief," often trying to indulge in human food. This love for eating things she shouldn’t was a constant concern to the family. However, the family was left reeling when Barbara consumed a BBQ skewer that became lodged dangerously close to Barbara’s heart, causing considerable distress and damage to her chest cavity.


The situation was precarious, and the vet offered only a 50/50 chance of survival. Thankfully, the surgery was successful, but Barbara's recovery was slow.

Family rescue dog falls gravely ill after consuming sand

During a run at a field, Mirren, the rescue greyhound, ate a large quantity of sand from a cigarette bucket on a hot day leading to sickness, diarrhea, and appetite loss. Although Mirren’s owner acted quickly, seeking veterinary help where initial anti-sickness medication was administered, the symptoms persisted, and Mirren was put on a drip and kept overnight.


Thankfully Mirren has made a full recovery and her owners are extra cautious when taking her to sandy places.


Shelley Harrison
Brand and Communications Manager
