Blood donation in dogs and cats: why is it important?

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Ireland sees 200 lives saved everyday thanks to blood donation. Similarly, many dogs and cats also need the gift of blood donation to survive. June 14 is commemorated as world blood donor day and here is a reminder that your companion can also be a saviour! 

A shortage of blood in pets 

As in human medicine, blood transfusion has become vital to treat sick or injured animals. carried out in an emergency, this act requires finding blood quickly: either from a healthy donor or from a dedicated veterinary establishment. However, donations remain insufficient because few owners are aware of the existence of such a procedure, and blood reserves are too low.  

A united and vital act 

You can make your companion a donor by registering at your vet or other local services nearby. Since blood has a low shelf life, it is critical to donate blood regularly.  

How can your pet donate blood?  

There are a few criterias that enable a dog or a cat to donate blood:  

  • Your dog weighs over 25kg (1- 6 years giant breed) or you cat weighs over 4kg 

  • They are aged between 1-8 years. 

  • Fit and well, fully vaccinated, wormed and not on any medication. 

  • They have not travelled outside of Ireland or the UK. 

  • They have never received a blood transfusion themselves. 

  • Never had puppies and is not pregnant. 

  • They have a good temperament. 

After a check-up, the blood sample is taken under sedation to facilitate collection. all dogs and cats in good health can be donors provided they weigh at least 25 kg for dogs, and 5 kg for cats, are up to date with their vaccines and are dewormed and treated regularly against external parasites. Please remember drawing blood from a cat can be more difficult because of its low blood volume and high sensitivity. 

How can it help save a life? 

Several situations that could need a blood transfusion: road accidents, illness or even certain surgeries. Depending on the pathology and the species the veterinarian could administer whole blood, platelets, red blood cells or plasma.  

Xenotransfusion in case of extreme emergency! 

In the event of a shortage of donors, a dog can donate blood to a cat, but this method is only possible once in a lifetime. This is called Xenotransfusion. Another practice used in the event of a ruptured spleen, for example, is the transfusion of the patient's blood. This autotransfusion makes it possible to massively and immediately reinject blood intravenously. 

Did you know? 

Dogs and cats have different blood groups, and these are used to determine what type of blood it is possible to transfuse. In dogs, there are 8 blood groups compared to 4 in humans. Only the Dog Erythrocyte Antigen (dea) 1.1 group will be tested during a transfusion because of its high immune reaction capacity. 

Blood transfusion is a complex and expensive procedure. Insuring your pet allows you to access this procedure without worrying about the cost.  

About Agria Petinsure

Agria is one of the world’s leading pet insurers. Agria Petinsure was established in Ireland in 2023 and is now a prominent feature of the Irish pet insurance industry, providing insurance for cats and dogs. Our mission is to provide the best care for pets and peace of mind for their owners by providing insurance solutions. 


