The Scoop on Dog Constipation: When should I worry? by Dr. Orla Fitzgerald MVB MRCVS

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Many pet owners in Ireland share a common concern: how to handle their cherished companions' constipation issues. Luckily, Dr. Orla Fitzgerald MVB MRCVS is here to offer some valuable insights and guidance to dog owners navigating this situation. 

Symptoms of Constipation in Dogs 

One of the primary signs of constipation in dogs is the inability to pass stool normally or noticing that the dog is recently passing small and very hard stools. If your dog hasn't pooped in 24- 48 hours and exhibits discomfort or vocalises while trying to defecate, constipation may be the cause. Vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pain, straining to urinate or a tense abdomen could also be associated symptoms. 

Understanding the Causes of Constipation 

There are many causes of constipation ranging from a diet poor in fibre, to ingestion of a foreign object. Eating food too quickly can also cause digestive issues. Other contributing factors include the lack of exercise, obesity, pain in the anal region, blocked or ruptured anal sacs, an enlarged prostate, excessive self-grooming, side effects of some medications, a recent anaesthetic, orthopaedic issues resulting in pain when positioning to defecate, matted hair around the anus, trauma to the pelvis, neurological disorders, insufficient fluid intake, or obstruction caused by tumours in the rectum, anus or around the anus. 

Home Remedies for Constipated Dogs 

In cases where the dog's overall health and energy levels remain unaffected, pet owners may attempt home treatments to relieve constipation. Regular walking can aid in stimulating gut motility, potentially helping with the issue. Ensuring the dog drinks an adequate amount of water is equally important. If the dog does not have any underlying breathing or swallowing concerns, you can add extra water to the food to increase their water consumption. Feeding a low residue and high digestible gastrointestinal supportive wet (tinned) food can help to ease this further. 

When to Seek Veterinary Assistance? 

"While home remedies can be useful, certain situations will require veterinary intervention," says Dr. Orla Fitzgerald. She further adds, "Recurring episodes of constipation generally signify an underlying and chronic health concern such as pica, adverse effects to certain medications, osteoarthritis, prostate enlargement, or kidney disease." Dr. Fitzgerald emphasizes that "constipation can become continuous and permanent. Unfortunately, this can lead to obstipation. Obstipated dogs are unable to pass faeces by themselves and often will require intensive veterinary care." 

Agria Petinsure believes that it is important to monitor pet health and well-being closely. Dog owners should promptly seek veterinary care if any of the following conditions apply: 

  • Suspected ingestion of a foreign object, such as a toy or a sock. 

  • Pica - Dogs consistently eat objects that are not food items. Such items include metal, plastic, cloth, garbage, rocks, gravel, paper, soil, faeces or even large quantities of grass. Dogs' innate ability to detect their pet parents’ scent and will often consume items of clothing such as underwear, socks, towels and wet wipes. 

  • Persistent constipation accompanied by vomiting. 

  • A noticeable decline in the dog's overall condition. 

  • Straining to pass faeces containing blood and/or mucus. 

  • The constipated dog is a puppy under six months old. 

  • Self-care attempts have not resolved the constipation within two days. 

  • The dog displays pain while attempting to defecate. 

  • Reduced appetite and poor drinking habits.  

What measures can be taken to decrease the likelihood of constipation? 

  • Make sure to feed your dog a well-balanced diet which includes food containing enough fibre. In addition, water should always be available for your Pet.  

  • It is not advised to feed your dog animal bones or scraps from the table, as some human food is hard to digest, high in fat content and may cause blockages.  

  • Regular Exercise will ensure your Dogs stomach is kept moving. This is because your dog's heart rate and blood pressure naturally increase as they move,  

  • For dogs that eat very quickly, try spacing meals if possible. There are also specialized feeding bowls available on the market such as puzzle bowls, that slow down eating and make mealtime that bit more interesting. 

Agria is one of the world’s leading pet insurers. Agria Petinsure was established in Ireland in 2023 and is now a prominent feature of the Irish pet insurance industry, providing insurance for dogs and cats. Our mission is to provide the best care for pets and peace of mind for their owners by providing insurance solutions. 


