Annual General Meeting in Alpcot Agro AB

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The Annual General Meeting in Alpcot Agro AB (the “Company”) was held on 17 May 2010 at 4.00 pm at the law firm Delphi, 30-32 Regeringsgatan, Stockholm.

At the meeting, the shareholders considered a number of items, some of which were the following: - The profit and loss account, balance sheet, the consolidated profit and loss account and consolidated balance sheet were approved. - That the Company’s loss for the year and retained earnings are carried forward and that no dividend is paid for the financial year 2009. - Re-election of the four directors of the board; Joakim Ollén (as chairman), Sven Dahlin, Catharina Lagerstam and Otto Ramel. - Decision to authorise the board of directors to decide upon issue of shares, convertibles and/or warrants. Payment may be made through contribution, set-off or otherwise be conditional. The Company's share capital can thereby increase by a maximum of SEK 100,000,000, corresponding to 20,000,000 new shares. - Decision not to adopt either of the two proposals on the issue and transfer of warrants with the purpose of replacing part of the management fee and/or performance fee to Alpcot Capital Management. Stockholm, 17 May 2010 The board of directors For additional information please contact: Björn Lindström, Chief Executive Officer +44 (0) 79798 55556 Joakim Ollén, Chairman of the Board +46 (0) 70 354 24 07

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