Early Crops Harvest Report 2011

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Alpcot Agro AB (“the Company”) has almost completed the harvest of the early crops for 2011, with an average yield for winter wheat of 2.9 tons per hectare. To date the Company has harvested 52,000 hectares of different crops with a total gross weight of about 142,400 tons. 

The Company has completed the harvesting of 40,500 hectares (97 percent) of winter wheat with an average yield of 2.9 tons per hectare.  In the Russian inland the average yield amounts to 2.7 tons per hectare, in Kaliningrad 3.2 tons per hectare and in Ukraine 4.5 tons per hectare. In 2010, the average yield for winter wheat was 1.7 tons per hectare in Russia, and 2.6 tons per hectare in Ukraine.

The Company has also completed the harvest of winter rape on 1,300 hectares in western Ukraine and Kaliningrad with an average yield of 2.5 tons per hectare.

The Company has planted barley on about 5,800 hectares in Kaliningrad, Voronezh and Tambov and so far has harvested 80 percent of the area with an average yield of 2.5 tons per hectare.

The winter planting is already ongoing in all regions with winter wheat in the Russian inland and winter rape in Kaliningrad and a combination of both in Ukraine.

Additional comments on the harvest and winter planting will be published in the Company’s half year report on 31 August. The full harvest and winter planting reports will be published around the end of October.  

Jens Peter Aabyen, Managing Director, comments

“I am pleased to announce that we have achieved substantial increases in yields compared to last year’s results with 70 percent higher yield for winter wheat and 25 percent higher yield for winter rape. This is an achievement especially considering that some of the areas planted with winter wheat in both Kursk and in western Ukraine were planted on previously fallow land.  Milder weather conditions as well as considerable operational improvements over the last year have contributed to the better performance this year.

The present outlook for the remaining crops, primarily sunflower, corn, soya and sugar beet is exceeding previous expectations. The fields were meticulously prepared, the crops have established well and they have received plenty of both sun and rain during the later part of the summer. “

Stockholm 30 August 2011

For additional comments, please contact

Jens Peter Aabyen, Managing Director, tel +7 903 779 23 36

About Alpcot Agro AB (publ)

Alpcot Agro is a Swedish limited liability company incorporated in 2006. The Company's business idea is to generate an attractive return on invested capital by optimally utilizing the Company's agricultural land bank through crop production, dairy farming and other similar operations in Russia and the other CIS states. The shares in Alpcot Agro are listed on First North under the ticker ALPA and the Company's Certified Adviser is Remium. Additional information is available on www.alpcotagro.com.

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