Operational update: cropped area 2011

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Alpcot Agro (“the Company”) has completed the spring planting campaign.  The planned cropped area 2011 amounts to 93,100 hectares, an increase by 32 percent compared to 2010.

The spring planting started later than usual due to remaining snow cover, but is close to completed in all regions. The total spring planting covers about 42,900 hectares in Russia and 7,200 hectares in Ukraine.

Alpcot Agro winter planted about 46,100 hectares of winter crops in Russia and 6,400 hectares in Ukraine in 2010, whereof about 47,800 hectares of winter wheat and 4,700 hectares of winter rape.

Losses of winter crops amount to approximately 4,200 hectares of winter wheat and 3,700 hectares of winter rape, all in Russia. The lost fields have been replanted with various spring crops.  In addition, the Company has divested a farm which included 1,100 hectares of winter wheat and about 500 hectares of winter wheat has been reclassified as fodder crops and will be harvested for the dairy farms.

The total area planted with commercial crops in Russia and Ukraine for harvest in 2011 thus amounts to approximately 93,100 hectares. This represents a 32 percent increase compared to the area harvested in 2010.

Jens Peter Aabyen, Managing Director, comments:

“I am pleased to inform that the spring campaign has been completed according to schedule. Overall, the state of the crops is satisfactory, given the challenging weather conditions in the autumn and spring, and in particular the crops in Ukraine look promising. Precipitation levels have generally been favorable.
We are also welcoming the news that the Russian government has decided to lift the export ban on grains from 1 July, which will likely bring the domestic Russian prices closer in line with world market prices.”

Stockholm, 31 May 2011

For more information please contact:

Investor relations +46 846 339 40

About Alpcot Agro AB (publ)
Alpcot Agro is a Swedish limited liability company incorporated in 2006. The Company's business idea is to generate an attractive return on invested capital by optimally utilizing the Company’s agricultural land bank through crop production, dairy farming and other similar operations in Russia and the other CIS states. The shares in Alpcot Agro are listed on First North under the ticker ALPA and the Company’s Certified Adviser is Remium. Additional information is available on www.alpcotagro.com.

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