Resolutions from Alpcot Agro EGM

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The Annual General Meeting in Alpcot Agro AB (the “Company”) was held on 9 January 2012 at 10.00 CET at Kilpatrick Townsend Advokatbyrå, Hovslagargatan 5 B, Stockholm.

At the meeting, the following resolutions were made by the Company’s shareholders:

a)    authorization of the Board of Directors to resolve new issues of shares regarding the acquisition of all outstanding shares and all options over shares in Landkom International plc for a total of 20,317,555 new Alpcot Agro shares.

b)    approval of the Board of Directors’ resolution on 21 December 2011 of an issue of new shares without preferential rights for the Company’s shareholders for a total of 19,771,429 shares at a subscription price of SEK 7 per share.

c)     approval of participation in the new issue under by members of the Board of Directors.

d)    approval of the Board of Directors’ resolution on 21 December 2011 of an issue of new shares without preferential rights for the Company’s shareholders with payment by set-off.

Stockholm, 9 January 2012

The board of directors

For additional information please contact:

Joakim Ollén, Chairman: +46 703 542 407
Björn Lindström, Member of the Board: +44 7979 855 556

About Alpcot Agro AB (publ)                                
Alpcot Agro is a Swedish limited liability company incorporated in 2006. The Company's business idea is to generate an attractive return on invested capital by optimally utilizing the Company's agricultural land bank through crop production, dairy farming and other similar operations in Russia and the other CIS states. The shares in Alpcot Agro are listed on First North under the ticker ALPA and the Company's Certified Adviser is Remium Nordic AB.
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