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  • Trigon Agri A/S announces that the bondholders have approved to amend and restate the terms and conditions to enable a full debt to equity swap

Trigon Agri A/S announces that the bondholders have approved to amend and restate the terms and conditions to enable a full debt to equity swap

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Trigon Agri A/S (the “Company”) today held the bondholder meeting of its SEK 350 million bond issue (the “Bonds”), where the bondholders approved to amend the terms and conditions and to make possible the conversion of the outstanding Bonds in the total amount of SEK 350,000,000 into equity of the Company, meaning that in return for their claims on the Bonds and accrued interest each bondholder will receive shares in the Company. Each SEK 10,000 bond will entitle the bondholder to 45,678 shares in the Company.

At the meeting the bondholders resolved:

  1. to amend and restate the terms and conditions (the “Proposed Amended and Restated Terms and Conditions”);
  2. that the Proposed Amended and Restated Terms and Conditions shall become effective immediately when the resolution is passed;
  3. to waive any and all of the provisions under the finance documents to the extent such provisions restrict the implementation of the steps to achieve the debt to equity swap;
  4. to withdraw the approval of Request A as adopted by the bondholders by written procedure on 27 April 2016;
  5. to authorise the agent Intertrust (Sweden) AB to do all such other acts and things and to execute such other agreements or documents as may be necessary or desirable to give effect to the amendments to the terms and conditions as set out in the Proposed Amended and Restated Terms and Conditions including the debt to equity swap and the subsequent release of all transaction security;
  6. to appoint Dag Rolander as a new member of the bondholders’ committee where after the committee consists of Arne Björhn, Mats Nilsson and Dag Rolander. Johannes Bertorp resigned from the bondholders’ committee.

The actual completion and settlement of the Debt to Equity Swap will be effected only following the adoption of the resolution by the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on 10thNovember 2016 authorizing the Board of Directors to issue new shares and warrants within previously disclosed parameters of the Debt to Equity Swap.

The details of the contemplated Debt to Equity Swap have been published on 14thSeptember 2016 and are available at http://www.trigonagri.com/trigon-agri-as-preliminary-agreement-on-the-full-debt-to-equity-swap/. The upcoming information and technical details of the Debt to Equity Swap will be immediately disclosed to all stakeholders in due course.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Johannes Bertorp, commented on the bondholders meeting:

“I am very pleased to announce that the bondholders meeting, held today in Stockholm, resolved with the absolute majority of 98.0 % to amend and approve the “Proposed Amended and Restated Terms and Conditions” of the Bonds with the aim of implementing the Debt to Equity Swap. The bondholders reinforced their commitment to support a long-term financial development of Trigon Agri A/S and allow further expansion of the farming operations in Ukraine. The Company will proceed with implementation of the Debt to Equity Swap following the positive voting results of the tomorrow’s extraordinary general meeting in Copenhagen.”  

For further information please contact:

Mr. Johannes Bertorp, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Trigon Agri A/S, Tel: +372 6191 500, E-mail:  mail@trigonagri.com

About Trigon Agri

Trigon Agri A/S is a leading Agribusiness manager. We are a highly experienced team that are involved in the full farming chain from land acquisition, land operation, crop production, to crop storage, marketing and trading. We operate today in Ukraine, Russia and Estonia.

For subscription to Company Announcements please contact us: mail@trigonagri.com.

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This information is information that Trigon Agri A/S is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 15:30 CET on 9 November 2016.

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