Nomination committee's recommendation in connection with the Extraordinary General Meeting

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At the request of the company's largest shareholder, Aker Holding AS, the board of Aker Solutions ASA has called an Extraordinary General Meeting for 8 June 2009.

Items on the agenda include the election of Directors. A new Director is to be elected to replace Heidi M. Petersen, who recently resigned from the board. Aker Holding also wants a new independent Director to be elected in place of one of the Aker-affiliated Directors on today's board.

The nomination committee for Aker Solutions ASA has the following composition: Leif-Arne Langøy (Chairman), Gerhard Heiberg, Kjeld Rimberg and Mette Wikborg.

In connection with the forthcoming Extraordinary General Meeting, the nomination committee has met twice. It has received and discussed proposals for new Directors and explored with the Aker-affiliated Directors their possible resignation. Leif-Arne Langøy has announced that he is prepared to step down. On that basis, the nomination committee submits the following unanimous recommendation:

That Ida Helliesen and Mikael Lilius be elected as Directors for the period until the company's Annual General Meeting in 2011.

The Board otherwise has the following four shareholder-elected Directors: Øyvind Eriksen (Chairman), Lone Fønss Schrøder, Vibeke Hammer Madsen and Kjell Inge Røkke. The employees of the Aker Solutions group have elected the following four employee-elected Directors: Atle Teigland, Åsmund Knutsen, Arild Håvik and Arve Toft.

Leif-Arne Langøy
Chairman of the nomination committee

Curricula vitae for the two nominated Directors

Ida Helliesen joined Norsk Hydro in 1980 and held a number of leading positions in that company until her retirement in 2007. She served for the last eight years as chief financial officer. From 2007 until the spring of 2009, she has assisted Hydro on a number of issues, including completion of the merger between Hydro's oil and energy business and Statoil. Ms Helliesen is a Director of Statistisk Sentralbyrå, Storebrand Bank and Skagerak Energi. She is also a member of the Ministry of Finance's council on investment strategy for the Government Pension Fund - Global. Ms Helliesen has an MSc in business economics from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, and is a Norwegian citizen.

Mikael Lilius was president and CEO of Fortum from 2000 to May 2009. This Finnish company is one of the largest energy enterprises in the Nordic region, and also has substantial operations in the Baltic states. From 1990, he was chief executive of the Swedish pharmaceuticals company  Incentive AB, which changed its name to Gambro AB in 1998. Gambro is owned by the  Swedish investment company Investor AB. Mr Lilius is a member of the infrastructure investment advisory committee of the Swedish investment company EQT and is a Director of the Norwegian energy company Hafslund ASA. A graduate of the Hanken Swedish School of Economics in Helsinki, Mr Lilius is a Finnish citizen.
