The Norwegian authorities dismiss request for investigation

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20 September 2007 - The Norwegian Authority for Prosecution of Organised and other Serious Crime has today dismissed a request to investigate Aker Kvaerner for its role in a former project at the American marine base, Guantanamo Bay. The case has previously been dismissed by the Oslo Police Department and by the Oslo District Attorney.
"Aker Kvaerner is satisfied with the fact that the national authorities have confirmed, once again, not to initiate an investigation. Throughout the review process, we have taken the stand that there is no basis to suspect that a previous US-based Kvaerner company contributed to the alleged criminal actions taken at the marine base," says Martinus Brandal, President & CEO of Aker Kvaerner.

"There have been many incorrect and undocumented statements made about this former project.  We are therefore very pleased that the authorities have reviewed the case. Throughout the process, Aker Kvaerner has cooperated with the authorities, responding to their questions and taking an active role in clarifying the circumstances around the project," says Brandal.

"Aker Kvaerner has operations around the world, and in our work everyday we attempt to contribute to stable and secure conditions in the societies we influence, as well as support the positive development of people. With this as a foundation, we have great respect for the work of non-governmental organisations and those engaged in defending human rights. However, we believe that the project at Guantanamo Bay which an American subsidiary of Aker Kvaerner  brought to an end in 2005, has been misrepresented by some critics," says Brandal.

Aker Kvaerner has been accused of contributing to the violation of human rights at the marine base through its previous US-based subsidiary, Kvaerner Process Services Inc. The accusations were based on the misrepresentation of the maintenance services carried out on the marine base by the company in the years 1993-2005. Aker Kvaerner does not recognise itself in these accusations.

We have followed up all the questions we have received with regards to the terminated project at the military base. We have found no foundation for many of the claims that have been made." says Brandal

Important topic

For a large international company like Aker Kvaerner, it is important to participate and contribute to the public debate on corporate responsibility.

"Through this case, we have been reminded that it is important for businesses to have an active relationship to the topic of human rights," says Brandal.  He continued: "Aker Kvaerner takes corporate responsibility and ethics seriously and we are continually working to improve our performance in these areas. The engagement of Amnesty International and other organisations is an important contribution to maintaining a focus on these topics in daily business activities," says the President and CEO.

"Society's expectations of corporate responsibility are in continuous development. Aker Kvaerner is a large player in many places around the world, and authorities and NGOs in many countries take an interest in our operations. This is something we appreciate, and which focuses our work on this challenging topic. One example of this is the development of strict requirements for the projects we enter in to," says Brandal.

Aker Kvaerner's internal policies and requirements are founded on the UN's Declaration of Human Rights and OECD's guidelines for multinational companies, and they are related to several other international standards for corporate responsibility. As one of the elements in the company's continual development in this area, Aker Kvaerner has decided to join the UN led initiative for corporate responsibility, Global Compact. This will be a new and important basis for the company's work in corporate responsibility.

"In Aker Kvaerner, we attempt to find solutions that are both ethically sound and good for business. Dialog between government, institutions, companies and non-governmental organisations can take these efforts even further. From our side, we will attempt to contribute to awareness, understanding and discussion around this important topic," says Brandal.

The Guantanamo Bay project began back in 1993 and it was concluded in 2005. The scope of work included various types of maintenance and repair services on the marine base. The business unit in Aker Kvaerner that was responsible for this project is now closed down. It would therefore not be natural for Aker Kvaerner to enter into this type of project again in the future.


An American company entered an agreement in 1993 to supply maintenance and repair services to the marine base, Guantanamo Bay.  Through Kvaerner's purchase of the international conglomerate, Trafalgar House in 1996, the service company in the US became a part of the Kvaerner corporation.  The company was then named Kvaerner Process Services, Inc.

Today's Aker Kvaerner was established in 2004 and overtook, among other things, Kvaerner Process Service Inc. with its Guantanamo Bay project.  One year later, the newly established Aker Kvaerner started the termination of this daughter company's work at Guantanamo.

From the time the frame agreement was signed in the 1990s, many years before the prison was established, until the assignment was terminated in 2005, the nature of the work carried out by Kvaerner Process Service remained the same.  The American government established a prison on Guantanamo in 2002.

Guantanamo Bay on Cuba is the largest American marine base outside of the USA.  Several thousand marine officers are stationed in this large area, where there are extensive facilities for barracks, private housing, stores, storage areas, roads, a large harbour area and technical installations. As many of the buildings, pipes cables, piers and other structures are about 100 years old, there has been an extensive need for maintenance work and renovation.

Typical work assignments were maintenance and reconstruction of infrastructure, together with various repair services.  

For further information, please contact:
Torbjørn S. Andersen, SVP Corporate Communications, Aker Kvaerner. Tel: +47 67 51 30 36, Mob: +47 928 85 542
Investor relations:
Lasse Torkildsen, VP Investor Relations, Aker Kvaerner. Tel: +47 67 51 30 39
AKER KVÆRNER ASA, through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("Aker Kvaerner"), is a leading global provider of engineering and construction services, technology products and integrated solutions. The business within Aker Kvaerner comprises several industries, including Oil & Gas, Refining & Chemicals, Mining & Metals and Power Generation. The Aker Kvaerner group is organised in a number of separate legal entities. Aker Kvaerner is used as the common brand/trademark for most of these entities.

The parent company in the group is Aker Kværner ASA. Aker Kvaerner has aggregated annual revenues of approximately NOK 50 billion and employs approximately 23 000 people in about 30 countries.

Aker Kvaerner is part of Aker (, a group of premier companies with a focus on energy, maritime and marine-resources industries. The Aker companies share a common set of values and long traditions of industrial innovation. As an industrial owner with a 40.27 percent holding in Aker Kvaerner, Aker ASA takes an active role in the development of its holdings.

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