Aker ASA: Aker Floating Production ASA - Received acceptances

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Reference is made to stock exchange notice of 2 March 2012 and the thereinreferenced offer (Offer) from Aker Floating Holding AS (AFH) for all outstandingshares in Aker Floating Production ASA (AKFP) not already owned by AFH.

On 8 March 2012, AFH received acceptances of the Offer representing in aggregate749,905 shares in AKFP, which represents approximately 3.41 % of all outstandingshares in AKFP.

Provided completion of the Offer the shares covered by the acceptances receivedso far will entail that AFH owns 16,897,871 shares in AKFP, representing in allapproximately 76.81 % of the total share capital.

This notice is sent in accordance with § 4-1 of the Securities Trading Act. Mr.Frank Reite, who is an employee of the Aker group company Converto CapitalManagement AS, is a member of the board of directors of AKFP.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl(Norwegian Securities Trading Act)

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