Aker ASA: Aker Floating Production ASA - Result of the Offer

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Reference is made to stock exchange notice of 2 March 2012 and the thereinreferenced offer (Offer) from Aker Floating Holding AS (AFH) for all outstandingshares in Aker Floating Production ASA (AKFP) not already owned by AFH.

The acceptance period of the Offer lapsed at 17:30 on 12 March 2012. On the samedate, AFH received acceptances of the Offer representing in aggregate 2,915,321shares in AKFP, which represents approximately 13.25 % of all outstanding sharesin AKFP.  AFH have accordingly received acceptances of the Offer for in all4,151,400 shares, which represents 18.87 % of all outstanding shares in AKFP.

AFH herby confirms that the conditions for completion of the Offer are met andthe Offer will be completed according to its terms. Upon settlement of the OfferAFH will own 20,066,606 shares in AKFP, representing in all approximately 91.21% of the total share capital. Settlement for the shares tendered in the Offerwill be made as soon as possible and no later than 19 March 2012.

AFH reserves the right to accept additional acceptances that are received afterthe now ended offer period, provided however that such late acceptances arereceived within 12.00 on 14 March 2012.

Following settlement of the Offer, AFH intends to carry out a compulsoryacquisition of the remaining shares in AKFP in accordance with applicable lawsand regulations.

This notice is sent in accordance with § 4-1 of the Securities Trading Act. Mr.Frank Reite, who is an employee of the Aker group company Converto CapitalManagement AS, is a member of the board of directors of AKFP.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl(Norwegian Securities Trading Act)

This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other applicable laws; and (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein. Source: Aker ASA via Thomson Reuters ONE
