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Pursuant to the advice of the placement managers, Aker BioMarine has determined that the value of the company`s equity prior to the share placement amounts to between NOK 3.8 billion and NOK 4.8 billion. The equity of Aker BioMarine is thus in the range of NOK 53 to NOK 66 per Aker ASA share.

`As a result of our work on the share placement, considerable value for Aker shareholders can now be seen. We have built Aker BioMarine on more than 20 years of fisheries experience. Tomorrow`s Aker BioMarine will produce valuable, advanced bioactive ingredients derived from marine fauna, for additives to pharmaceuticals, foods, and specialized feed for fish farming,` says Leif-Arne Langøy, Aker Board Chairman and CEO.

`We anticipate significant future value growth potential for Aker BioMarine as a result of the plans the company is pursuing,` Langøy says.

Details of Aker BioMarine`s development plans are presented in a notice to the Oslo Stock Exchange dated 17 November 2006 and in the attached summary of Aker BioMarine`s presentation to investors.

Aker BioMarine is currently a wholly owned subsidiary of Aker ASA. Following the December share issue and private placement, non-Aker investors will hold between 20 percent and 24 percent of Aker BioMarine shares. The company`s shares will be listed on the OTC market of the Norwegian Securities Dealers Association in December. Aker BioMarine plans to apply for listing on the Oslo Stock Exchange in the first six months of 2007.

For further information, please contact:Geir Arne Drangeid, EVP, Aker ASA, tel: +47 24 13 00 65

This notice is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities described herein. Investors and others seeking further information regarding the Aker BioMarine share issue and private placement are requested to contact the placement managers: SEB Enskilda, Pareto Securities, or Carnegie.
