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The positive trend in operations and the Group`s ability to identify new industrial projects and turn them into profitable enterprises have materialized as the year`s value growth in Aker companies: The market capitalization of the exchange-listed assets of the parent company Aker ASA3) at year-end 2006 was approximately NOK 36 billion, up from NOK 19 billion a year earlier.

The solid financial position at year-end 2006 and a significant cash position, which was further enhanced in early 2007, enable Aker ASA to continue its targeting of industrial development. The company is also seeking to provide shareholders with greater predictability as to future dividends in line with Aker`s dividend policy.

The Board of Directors will propose to the annual shareholders` meeting the payment of an ordinary dividend of NOK 19 per share for the 2006 accounting year.

A significant part of the Group`s activities depends directly or indirectly on developments in the world`s energy markets, global commerce, and the travel industry. The underlying trends in these segments continue to be positive.

Aker is well prepared to take advantage of these fundamentally positive conditions and envisions continued growth and improving margins in all main companies.

Enclosed please find the 4Q 2006 report.

For further information:Geir Arne Drangeid, Executive Vice President, tlf. +47 913 10 458

1) All figures are exclusive of Aker Kværner Pulping & Power, which was divested in the fourthe quarter of 20062) Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization3) Includes all wholly owned ocmpanies in the parent company structure, i.e., the parent company Aker ASA and holding companies.
