Disclosure Requirement

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Leif-Arne Langøy holds 41,000 shares in Aker ASA through his companyLapas AS. Langøy has in his capacity of chairman of Aker ASA as of 18December 2008 been granted proxies to vote for a total of 3,929,268shares, equivalent to 5.43 per cent of the share capital and thevotes of the company, at the extraordinary general meeting on 19December 2008. The proxies do not contain any voting instructions andshall only apply at the said general meeting.

The proxies imply that Leif-Arne Langøy at the extraordinary generalmeeting in Aker ASA on 19 December 2008 may cast votes for a total of3,970,268 shares, equivalent to 5.49 per cent of the share capitaland the votes of the company.

This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
