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The Aker Group had third-quarter 2006 revenues of NOK 20 billion; EBITDA for the quarter was NOK 1.1 billion. The EBITDA is on a par with the four preceding quarters. Aker Kværner continues its strong profit growth; at Aker Yards, profit growth was curtailed by weak performance on one project and low capacity utilization in France. Profits at other Aker Group subsidiaries were mainly in line with previous quarters.

Demand for the Group`s products and services continues to be great. The Aker Group`s order backlog rose from NOK 88 billion as of 30 September 2005 to NOK 152 billion at the close of September 2006. Both Aker Kværner and Aker Yards won several major projects in the third quarter of 2006. The Aker Group`s order backlog increased by NOK 30 billion in the third quarter of 2006.

A significant proportion of the Group`s activities directly or indirectly depends on developments in the world`s energy markets, global trade, and travel industry. The underlying trends in these segments are positive. Aker is well positioned to benefit from these fundamentally positive conditions and envisions continued growth in all main Group companies. The large order backlog provides the Group with a solid foundation for future earnings, and robustness regarding short-term market fluctuations.

Enclosed please find the 3Q 2006 report and presentation.
