Employees buy shares in Aker BP

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Aker BP has received subscriptions from employees for more than 1.2 million shares at a discounted price of NOK 182.87 per share through the company’s annual share purchase programme. The subscription price represents a 20 percent discount to the reference market price, and the shares are subject to a three-year lock-up period. Approximately 62 percent of the company's employees subscribed in the program, including the following primary insiders:

Primary insider Position  Shares purchased  New holding
Talar Arif SVP Ula 1,093 5,883
Sarah Alexandra Berg Employee-elected deputy member 546 3,118
Marit Blaasmo SVP People and Safety 1,640 9,046
Hilde Kristin Brevik Employee-elected deputy member 382 2,022
Ani Isabel Chiang Employee-elected board member 273 1,671
Ine Dolve SVP Alvheim 1,640 9,065
Paula Doyle Chief Digital Officer 1,093 1,402
Rune K. Fauskanger Employee-elected deputy member 2,092 11,571
Ingard Haugeberg Employee-elected board member 406 1,663
Thomas Ditlev Hoff-Hansen Chief Information Officer 406 5,037
Thomas Husvæg Employee-elected board member 406 847
Lars Høier SVP Yggdrasil 1,982 12,701
Marte Mogstad SVP Skarv 3,281 3,281
Ole Johan Molvig SVP Valhall 3,925 22,065
Knut Sandvik SVP Projects 1,640 7,620
Per Øyvind Seljebotn SVP ExpRes 1,093 1,712
Tommy Sigmundstad SVP Drilling and Wells 406 1,439
Geir Smaaskjær Employee-elected deputy member 406 2,805
David Torvik Tønne CFO 3,007 27,041
Sofie Valdersnes * Board member Aker ASA 546 2,442
Georg Vidnes ** SVP Grieg-Aasen 1,476 3,925
Tore Vik Employee-elected board member 1,374 6,954
Thomas Øvretveit SVP Operations 1,367 2,110

* Sofie Valdersnes is a primary insider in Aker ASA, who will issue the formal notification for her transaction.
** Georg Vidnes has simultaneously sold 408 Aker BP shares at an average price of NOK 229.10. This transaction is reflected in the new number of shares held.

Notification forms for each of the primary insiders’ transactions are attached.

Kjetil Bakken, Head of Investor Relations, tel.: +47 918 89 889

About Aker BP:
Aker BP is a company engaged in exploration, field development and production of oil and gas on the Norwegian continental shelf. The company operates the field centres Alvheim, Edvard Grieg, Ivar Aasen, Skarv, Ula and Valhall, and is a partner in the Johan Sverdrup field. Aker BP is headquartered at Fornebu, Norway, and is listed on Oslo Børs under the ticker AKRBP. More about Aker BP at www.akerbp.com/en.

This information is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and requirements under the EU Market Abuse Regulation.
