Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

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The shareholders of Det norske oljeselskap ASA are invited to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Monday 2 February 2009 at 17:00 hours at Britannia Hotel, Dronningens gate 5, 7011 Trondheim, Norway.

Please find Notice of Extraordinary general Meeting 2 February 2009 attached; the Notice is also available on the company’s website:

A printed version of the Notice, will be sent by post to the company’s shareholders on 14 January 2009. The proposal from the Nomination Committee on agenda item 4; Election of Board of Directors, will be published when finalized.

For additional information, please contact:

Head of IR, Knut Evensen, tel. +47 95 07 76 22
Chief Financial Officer, Finn Øistein Nordam, tel, +47 98 28 93 82
