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  • New TET.fi service will revolutionise the introduction to work life — the new site now has the first 500 jobs posted

New TET.fi service will revolutionise the introduction to work life — the new site now has the first 500 jobs posted

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Alma Media Corporation         Press Release         31 August 2023 at 8 AM (EET)  


The Children and Youth Foundation launched a new TET.fi online service that makes it easier and more equal for young people to apply to TET, introduction to work life period. The service under development now contains the first 500 TET positions in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Tampere, Turku and Imatra. In addition to TET positions, the service offers young people the opportunity to develop working life skills. The tet.fi service has been developed in collaboration with Alma Media and Jobly.

The new site offers diverse information about working life and an opportunity to learn working life skills. The online service has been developed since last year in close cooperation with young people, educational institutions, and employers. The development work continues, and the goal is that by 2025 the TET.fi website will serve 30,000 young people who are searching for a TET job, and even more in the future. In total, 125,000 young people complete the TET period each year.

“TET is a Finnish innovation with a lot of development potential. It is important for us to keep TET on board with the rapidly changing working life. The new service will respond to the challenges of changing working life, and as a result, the opportunities for young people to get acquainted with working life will be diversified and increased, says Heidi Harju, Programme Manager at TET.fi, The Children and Youth Foundation.

Since TET.fi is an online service, special expertise was needed to implement it. TET.fi's search function of open positions is being developed in cooperation with Alma Media and job portal Jobly.

“It was especially important for us to be involved in building and developing the service so that all schoolchildren, i.e. future job seekers, have equal and versatile opportunities to get to know the working life. We hope that other companies will join us to offer TET positions and to support young people's working life, encourages Annika Ruola, Marketing Director from Jobly, which is part of the Alma Media Group.

Going forward, the TET.fi service aims to serve TET job seekers and employers nationwide

TET.fi also offers support to teachers and employers in the TET arrangements in the form of ready-made materials, weekly schedules and project tasks. The service will make TET more equal and the goal is that within a couple of years TET.fi will serve young people and employers nationwide.

“There is a huge need for TET.fi service in schools and corporate life! The service will make it easier for our school by not having to worry about every young person finding a TET place. In addition to the fact that the service offers young people more opportunities to carry out rewarding introduction to work life periods, the companies offer a wonderful opportunity to inspire and engage young people in different fields”, says Mari Nilsen, study counselor who has participated in the development of TET.fi with her students.

A number of companies have offered TET places to young people already in the development phase of the TET.fi service. These companies include well-known Finnish companies such as Restel, Orion, Deloitte, Stora Enso, HKScan and Technopolis.

“In addition to the Helsinki metropolitan area TET positions will be offered in the Tampere, Turku and Imatra regions in this first phase of the launch. We specifically invite companies and employers in these regions to offer TET positions through our service. We hope that many companies will open their doors to young people and want to be involved in making learning about working life even more rewarding for young people,” Harju says.

More information about TET.fi:


Heidi Harju
Programme Manager, TET.fi
The Children and Youth Foundation
Tel. +358 50 428 2031

The TET.fi service can also be found on TikTok

For media interviews and media contacts: 

Taina Tyrväinen
Communications Manager

The Children and Youth Foundation
Tel. +358 44 551 1790

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