Year End Report 2007/2008

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Net turnover for the period was SEK 356.7m (143.7m)
The company reports an operating loss of SEK –106.9m (–67.9m)
The loss after tax was SEK –96.6m (–67.0m)
Earnings per share were SEK –0.66 (–0.52)
At the balance sheet date, April 30, 2008, cash and cash equivalents were SEK 146.1m (186.5m)
Cash flow from operations was SEK –39.8m (–55.0m), or SEK –0.27 per share (–0.40)
At the balance sheet date the company’s order book was worth SEK 696m

Significant events in the fourth quarter

Morphic’s B shares listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm
Test center for fuel cell components opened in Japan
Jan Johansson, former CFO of Nobia, appointed CFO of Morphic Group
Performance-based employee stock options scheme adopted

Significant events after the end of the period

Order worth SEK 360m for ten 3 MW wind turbines from Skellefteå Kraft. After the order the total order book is worth approx. SEK 1.0bn
Private placement raises SEK 132m for the Group before issue costs
Acquisition of 80 percent of Norwegian wind turbine maker ScanWind AS
Statement of intent with Vattenfall on a partnership in wind power
Partnership agreement with German wind turbine maker Kenersys GmbH
Eric Göthlin appointed new President of Morphic’s wind power business
Notice of extraordinary general meeting on July 10 to authorize rights issue

The Board intends to propose that the Annual General Meeting change the company’s fiscal year to the calendar year and shorten the current fiscal year

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