ABS Members Weigh Rule Changes Focused on the Adaptation of New Technologies

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(HOUSTON) ABS members debated more than 400 changes to its industry-leading rules during the Annual Marine and Offshore Technical Committee Meetings in May.

Key areas for discussion included scantling refinements for containerships and gas carriers, flare tower vibrations and water-backed welding.

Members, including leading technical experts from major shipyards, designers, owners, and operators, also heard presentations on new EEXI and CII regulations and issues with aging FPSOs.

Our industry will continue to advance technologically as it stretches towards a zero-carbon future. This will require complex systems to be installed on board vessels that will not decrease their overall safety. Only by bringing together the insight and expertise of many of the world’s leading marine and offshore technical experts can ABS ensure its rules can adapt and support emerging technologies while continuing to advance the cause of safety at sea,” said Derek Novak, ABS Vice President and Chief Engineer.

The series of Technical Committee Meetings is the culmination of a process that starts in January, with review through 16 regional and special committees.

