EDAX Again Increases the Speed and Productivity of Market-Leading Electron Backscatter Diffraction Cameras
EDAX Inc., a leader in X-ray microanalysis and electron diffraction instrumentation, has announced another 40 percent increase in the performance of its Hikari Super EBSD camera while maintaining its industry-best sensitivity and indexing quality.
The Hikari Camera Series has now been extended to three different models, with the Hikari Super delivering up to 1,400 patterns per second. The full Hikari range includes:
- Hikari Pro – up to 600 indexed points per second
- Hikari Plus – up to 1,000 indexed points per second
- Hikari Super – up to 1,400 indexed points per second
The Hikari EBSD Camera Series offers outstanding performance across the complete range of EBSD applications from high-speed analysis for process development and quality control to high-sensitivity indexing at low beam currents and low accelerating voltages for improved spatial resolution.
The indexing speed increases between each model are available at all camera resolutions, allowing real acquisition speeds to be achieved on both routine and challenging samples. In addition to the speed improvements and low beam current performance, the highly versatile Hikari EBSD Camera Series sets the bar for precision with the capability to measure orientations with accuracy better than 0.1 degree.
Providing results without compromise, the Hikari Camera Series blends market-leading speed, sensitivity and precision. When paired with EDAX’s TEAM™ EBSD software, the cameras offer the highest indexing success rates on the market, guaranteeing the user the best possible data quality.
The new Hikari Camera Series delivers high-end performance in both speed and sensitivity, encompassing all EBSD applications. “Previously, a user had to decide between a high-speed camera and a high-sensitivity camera. With the Hikari cameras, a compromise between speed and sensitivity is no longer required,” comments Matt Nowell, EDAX Product Manager for EBSD products.
“Now, the Hikari cameras not only successfully index up to 1,400 patterns per second at a 99% indexing rate under typical EBSD conditions but also continue to provide outstanding sensitivity, allowing operation down to the 100 pA range of beam current while still maintaining a 99% indexing rate.”
EDAX is the acknowledged leader in Energy Dispersive Microanalysis, Electron Backscatter Diffraction and X-ray Fluorescence instrumentation. EDAX designs, manufactures, installs and services high-quality products and systems for leading companies in the semiconductor, metals, geological, pharmaceutical, biomaterials, and ceramics markets.
Since 1962, EDAX has used its knowledge and experience to develop ultra-sensitive silicon radiation sensors, digital electronics and specialized application software that facilitate solutions to research, development and industrial requirements.
EDAX is a unit of AMETEK Materials Analysis Division. AMETEK, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electromechanical devices with 2013 sales of $3.6 billion.
For further information about EDAX, contact:
Sue Arnell
EDAX, Inc.
91 McKee Drive, Mahwah, NJ 07430
Tel: (201) 529-4880 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting • Fax: (201) 529-3156
E-mail: sue.arnell@ametek.com
Website: www.edax.com