New Year, Same Goal…Perfect Skin

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If you want to look after your skin in 2016, then now is the time to start.  Too much partying may have left your complexion looking more than a little lacklustre so detox your skin with a natural daily skincare supplement from Works with Water Nutraceuticals.

help: beautify skin is a natural apple flavoured ready-to-eat jelly supplement that is packed full of anti-ageing and skin regenerating ingredients, a delicious addition to your New Year beauty regime.

For those wanting to tackle spot-prone problem skin, help: clear skin is a soluble daily supplement that contains ingredients scientifically proven to reduce the bacteria that causes breakouts, acne and blemishes.  

Jules Birch, founder of Works with Water, comments: “Many of us will be seeing the after effects of overdoing it during the party season, particularly when it comes to our complexion. An excessive amount of alcohol, combined with too many sugary treats, will leave skin looking tired, congested and dehydrated, as well as being prone to breakouts.

“The best way to repair and regenerate your skin is with a daily skincare supplement that is formulated with natural ingredients to feed your skin from the inside.”

In addition to introducing a daily skincare supplement into your diet, Jules offers her top tips for achieving an enviable complexion:

What you eat has a huge impact on the way you look on the outside, so ditch the sugary treats and fatty foods and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. All those vitamins and minerals will help reduce inflammation and kick-start your cells to regenerate and fight off acne.

Treat yourself to a facial or a massage, as this is a great way to revive tired skin. The massaging action will speed up your body’s natural cleansing process, ridding pores and surface level skin of the toxins and dead cells that have been building up over the past few weeks.

Up your intake of fibre as this is essential for good digestion and bowel function, which cleanses the body of toxins and in turn has a beneficial effect on skin. Soluble fibre can be found in fruit and vegetables and also in the help: clear skin PravENAC formula, which contains Oligofructose, a soluble fibre sourced from chicory root.

New Year is a great time to get into new habits, such as drinking more water, which is easy to overlook during the cold months when hot milky drinks seem more appealing. Hydration is the key to great looking skin, particularly in the winter when we subject our skin to central heating, cold winds and wild weather, plus more make-up, as we try to cover up pallid skin. Add a sachet of help: clear skin to your daily mid-morning glass of water and sip your way to a spot-free complexion.

Natural skincare…for her

help: beautify skin contains the patented PravenAGE™ formula, which includes CoEnzymeQ10, Hydrolysed marine collagen, Resveratrol, Aloe Vera and Vitamin C. These daily ready-to-eat jelly supplements have been developed to give skin a nourishing boost thanks to this combination of natural anti-ageing and skin regenerating ingredients.

help: clear skin is a soluble daily skin supplement containing the unique PravENAC™ formula rich in Lactoferrin, a bioactive milk protein that has been clinically proven to reduce acne by boosting the body’s natural defences to help eliminate bacteria, reduce sebum as well as inflammation and repair damaged skin cells caused by acne.

In addition, PravENAC™ also contains Aloe Vera, which has a smoothing and nourishing effect on skin, and Zinc Gluconate, known to help repair damaged tissues and support the immune system.

help: clear skin and help: beautify skin are all available as a 14 day pack (RSP £22.94) and a 28 day pack (RSP £39.95) from

Take the Works with Water skin detox challenge. Samples of help: beautify skin and help: clear skin are available for review. For more details please email


For more information, images and samples, please contact Caroline Spence or Sarah Ross on 0116 298 3726. |


