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  • Anoto Group AB: Leading publisher of logistic forms offers Anoto-based solutions for transport companies

Anoto Group AB: Leading publisher of logistic forms offers Anoto-based solutions for transport companies

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Anoto partner, bVa/Beurtvaartadres, a leading European publisher of logistic forms with 75000 customers, offers a unique new digital consignment note, the BTMS-EnRoute. The solution is based on special software developed by Getronics and featuring Anoto Functionality. This innovative technical solution – a world’s first – enables everyone involved in the chain of delivery (both transporters and senders) to realize significant efficiency gains and considerable administrative savings. The first to adopt the solution is the leading European logistics company, Wincanton TransEuropean. With the BTMS-EnRoute solution the consignment information, concerning details of the sender, the transport company and the recipient, as well as the goods are printed on standard paper using Anoto Qualified Printers from OKI Printing Solutions, at the same time printing a unique Anoto dot pattern almost invisible to the eye. Subsequently an image of the printed consignment note together with index information is sent to the Digital Paper Portal (DPP) of Getronics and bVa, waiting for penstrokes to arrive. When delivery takes place, the consignment notes are then signed at the recipient office with a digital pen along with any other additional notes that may have been made in the document. The information is sent from the pen via the driver’s mobile phone to the DPP allowing all parties instant information by e-mail of any changes that are made to the document. As soon as a signature of receipt (PoD) is placed on the consignment note, this is digitalised and can be processed immediately. As the documents are automatically indexed, they no longer need to be scanned separately. BTMS-EnRoute works with all standard consignment notes. Transport companies are now able to provide their clients (both senders and recipients) with an optimal service by keeping them up-to-date with the latest information on the status and condition of their delivery. A considerable advantage for the client and transport company is that deliveries can now be invoiced directly upon signature of receipt. In addition, any annotations (for example, of damage to the goods, etc.) can be immediately dealt with by the customer service departments. ”Transportation and logistics is one of the key focus areas for Anoto’s forms solutions business. We are very pleased to see the benefits of our technology contributing to quicker invoicing and speedier response to potential problems for the end customer. In this case, using Anoto Qualified Printers from OKI Printing Solutions allows the end customer even more flexibility and saves them the cost of ordering large amounts of pre-printed forms”, says Örjan Johansson, CEO, Anoto Group AB For more information: Örjan Johansson, CEO Anoto Group AB +46 733 45 12 08 Ebba Åsly Fåhraeus, EVP Sales and Marketing Anoto Group AB +46 733 45 12 28