Anoto Group January-June 2005 Interim Report

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• Sales totalled SEK 29 million (42) in the second quarter, while sales of the Anoto business unit were up by 21% to SEK 24 million (20). January-June sales were SEK 58 million (86), of which the Anoto business unit accounted for SEK 47 million (51). • The Group’s second quarter gross margin rose to 68% (48%), or SEK 20 million (20). The Group’s gross margin for January-June increased to 66% (60%), or SEK 39 million (52). • Cash flow amounted to SEK 36 million (–20) for the second quarter and SEK 35 million (–39) for January-June. For the first quarter in Anoto’s history, cash flow – excluding financing activities – was positive. The Group is well on its way to meeting its target of positive cash flow for full-year 2005. • The loss before depreciation and amortisation came to SEK –9 million (–17) for the second quarter and SEK –17 million (–25) for January-June. • The loss after taxes was SEK –20 million (–23) for the second quarter and SEK –35 million (–38) for January-June. • Earnings per share totalled SEK –0.17 (–0.20) for the second quarter and SEK –0.30 (–0.32) for January-June. Anoto Group AB (publ), corporate identification no. 556532-3929 Scheelevägen 19 C SE-223 70 Lund Phone: +46 46 540 12 00

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