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INTERIM REPORT JANUARY 1 - MARCH 31, 2007                                       

Consolidated net sales increased by 15.9% and came to EUR 112.4 (2006: 97.0)    
The profit for the period after taxes was EUR 1.9 (0.4) million and the earnings
per share was EUR 0.31 (0.03).                                                  
The net sales of the continuing operations increased by 9.8% and came to EUR    
39.8 (36.3) million.                                                            
The operating performance by the continuing operations improved, the operating  
loss was EUR -0.3 (-1.6) million, the effect of non-recurring items on the      
operating loss was EUR +0.1 (-0.7) million.                                     
A share transaction agreement for the sale of a majority shareholding in Suomen 
Rehu Ltd and Avena Nordic Grain Oy was signed in January; completion of the     
transaction awaits approval from the Finnish Competition Authority. The         
operations are shown in the report under discontinued operations.               
Maritim Food became part of the Group at the end of February.                   
The segment format was revised as a result of restructuring.                    

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IFRS (International    
Financial Reporting Standards) using IFRS recognition and measurement           
principles. This interim report does not comply with all of the requirements of 
IAS 34 (Interim Financial Reporting).                                           

The information in the report is unaudited.                                     

KEY INDICATORS, EUR million                                                     
                                       1-3/2007        1-3/2006                 

Group total                                                                     

Net sales                                 112.4            97.0                 
Operating profit/loss                       3.2            -0.5                 
Profit for period                           1.9             0.4                 
Earnings per share                         0.31            0.03                 

Continuing operations                                                           

Net sales                                  39.8            36.3                 
Operating loss                             -0.3            -1.6                 

Discontinued operations                                                         

Net sales                                  72.6            60.7                 
Operating profit                            3.5             1.1                 

In order to clarify the business structure, the Aptetit Frozen Foods and Jams   
business unit, which had been operating as part of Lännen Tehtaat plc, was      
incorporated at the beginning of 2007 under the name Apetit Pakaste Oy. In      
addition, the operations that produce services for the Group companies, the     
commercial department, IT, HR and environmental services and part of the        
financial administration were incorporated under the name Apetit Suomi Oy.      

Lännnen Tehtaat's vision is to be one of the leading Finnish food companies. In 
order to be able to focus on food in line with its vision, Lännen Tehtaat aims  
to strenghten its food sector through corporate acquisitions or via other       
restructuring in the northern Baltic region. As a part of this vision Lännen    
Tehtaat plc and SOK subsidiary Hankkija-Maatalous Oy signed on January 19, 2007 
a share-purchase agreement whereby 51% of the shares in Suomen Rehu Ltd and     
Avena Nordic Grain Oy will be transferred to the ownership of Hankkija-Maatalous
Oy. The transaction will be closed once the competition authorities have given  
their approval, which is expected at the beginning of June.                     

Lännen Tehtaat strengthened its food business operations in line with its       
strategy, and acquired on February 28, 2007 the total shareholding of Martim    
Food AS, a Norwegian fish product manufacturer. The transaction included Maritim
Food AS and its wholly-owned Swedish subsidiaries Maritim Food Sweden AB and    
Maritim Food Sweden Egendom AB, as well as its 47.5% minority interest in the   
Norwegian Sandanger AS. In addition, the deal includes a call option which will 
enable Maritim Food AS to increase its holding in Sandanger AS to 51% in the    

REPORTING SEGMENTS                                                              
Because of changes that have taken place in the Group structure of Lännen       
Tehtaat, the Group's segment reporting was revised to respond better to the new 
business operations structure. The new primary reporting segments are: the      
Frozen Foods Business, the Fish Business, the Vegetable Oil Business and Other  

The Frozen Foods Business includes Apetit Pakaste Oy. Fish Business includes    
Apetit Kala Oy and Maritim Food AS. The Vegetable Oil Business comprises Mildola
Oy. The Other Operations segment consists of Apetit Suomi Oy, the Group         
Administration and items unallocated to the segments. The cost effect of        
services produced by Apetit Suomi Oy is an encumbrance on the financial         
performance of the business operations in proportion to the use of the services.
The personnel of Apetit Suomi Oy have been allocated to the Frozen Foods        
Business and Fish Products Business in proportion to the sale of services. From 
the beginning of 2007 the Frozen Foods Business, Fish Products Business,        
Vegetable Oil Business and Other Operations will form the continuing operations 
in the IFRS reporting.                                                          

The geographical segment format was also revised at the beginning of the year   
2007. The new geographical segments are: Finland, Scandinavia, the Baltic States
and Russia, and Other Countries.                                                

REPORTING DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                                               
The discontinued operations comprise the Suomen Rehu Group and Avena Nordic     
Grain Group, which are available for sale. The discontinued operations' profit  
for the period has been shown in the consolidated income statement as one line  
after the continuing operations' income statement. Comparative information has  
been adjusted correspondingly. In accordance with IFRS regulations no           
depreciation according to plan has been made for the discontinued operations    
after January 19, 2007. The assets and liabilities of operations available for  
sale have been shown separately in the balance sheet from other assets and      
liabilities under Non-current assets available for sale and Liabilities relating
to non-current asset items available for sale. No corresponding classification  
has been made in the balance sheet for the comparative period.                  

NET SALES AND PROFIT                                                            
The net sales of Lännen Tehtaat's continuing operations totalled EUR 39.8 (36.3)
million in January-March, an increase of 9.8%.                                  

The financial performance improved and the operating loss without non-recurring 
items was EUR -0.4 (-0.9) million, and the operating loss including             
non-recurring items was EUR -0.3 (-1.6) million. The financial performance of   
the Frozen Foods Business and Other Operations improved, while that of the Fish 
Products Business and Vegetable Oil Business weakened compared with the         
comparative period.                                                             

The net financial income was EUR 0.1 (2.4) million. The comparative period      
includes non-recurring sales profits of EUR 2.4 million. Associated companies   
contributed EUR -0.4 (-0.5) million to the financial performance. The loss      
before taxes was EUR -0.5 (0.3) million and the loss for the period was EUR -0.4
(-0.1) million.                                                                 

The operating profit of the discontinued operations was EUR 3.5 (1.1, without   
non-recurring items 1.6) million and the profit after taxes was EUR 2.3 (0.5)   
million. No depreciation according to plan has been made for the discontinued   
operations since January 19, 2007, which reduced depreciation by EUR 0.7 (0.0)  

The combined profit for the period of both the continuing and discontinued      
operations was EUR 1.9 (0.4) million and the earnings per share figure was EUR  
0.31 (0.03).                                                                    

FINANCING AND CASH FLOW                                                         
The Group's financial position and liquidity continued to be good. The cash flow
from operations after interest and taxes stood at EUR 5.5 (4.7) million. The net
cash flow from investments was EUR -10.2 (2.7) million.                         

The Group's interest-bearing liabilities came to a total of EUR 59.2 (41.9)     
million and the liquid assets to EUR 6.0 (14.7) million at the end of the period
under review. Net interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 53.2 (27.2)      
million. The consolidated balance sheet total stood at EUR 235.8 (211.6)        
million. The equity ratio was 49.1 (52.4)%. Commercial papers issued for the    
Group's short-term financing stood at EUR 28.0 (17.0) million at the end of the 
period under review. Liquidity is secured with committed credit facilities. No  
credit facilities were used at the end of the period under review.              

BUSINESS SEGMENTS                                                               
The net sales of the Frozen Foods Business totalled EUR 13.3 (12.8) million, an 
increase of 4%. Net sales of the frozen retail products went up by a good 1.5%  
over the comparative period. The growth was biggest in the frozen potato and    
frozen pizza product groups. Sales of frozen ready meals and frozen vegetables  
sold under the Apetit brand also went up. Sales of products sold under the      
Apetit brand performed particularly well at the beginning of the period. Sales  
of retail jams and marmalades rose slightly over the year before. Growth in the 
hotel, restaurant and catering sector and industrial sector was strong as a     
result of the improvement in the competitiveness of domestic vegetables compared
with imported vegetables. Exports and sales to the bakery sector fell slightly  
short of the previous year.                                                     

The comparable operating profit/loss of the Frozen Foods Business was EUR 0.5   
(-0.7) million. The financial performance improved because of an improvement in 
productivity and cost-effectiveness put into effect and as a result of changes  
in the product mix.                                                             

Net sales by the Fish Products Business increased by 22.2% to EUR 16.4 (13.4)   
million. Maritim Food contributed EUR 2.7 million to the growth in net sales.   
The focal point for the growth in Apetit Kala's net sales lay in                
consumer-packaged fish products. Sales at the Kalatori outlets went down        

The financial performance of the Fish Products Business was EUR -2.0 (0.4)      
million and weakened as a result of a fall in the sales margin that was caused  
by high raw-material prices and also as a result of a rise in overhead costs.   
Maritim Food made a slight positive contribution to the Fish Products Business's
financial performance.                                                          

Net sales of EUR 10.0 (10.1) million by the Vegetable Oil Business were close to
last year's level. The operating profit was EUR 0.4 (0.7) million. The rise in  
raw-material prices was stronger than the rise in product prices, which lowered 
the profit. The sales restructuring compared with the equivalent period in the  
previous year reduced both the net sales and profit somewhat.                   

The operating loss of the Other Operations segment without non-recurring items  
was EUR -1.1 (-1.3) million and after non-recurring items EUR -1.0 (-1.9)       
million. The non-recurring items comprised profit from assignment of EUR 0.1    
(loss 0.6) million.                                                             

In the discontinued operations the Feeds segment's net sales went up to EUR 47.3
(45.8) million and the net sales of Grain Trading to EUR 32.1 (21.5) million.   
The increase in the Feed Segment's net sales was the result of a rise in sales  
prices caused by higher raw-material prices. Grain Trading's net sales were     
increased by a growth in volumes of exports and trade to third countries and a  
rise in grain market prices.                                                    

The comparable operating profit of the discontinued operations was EUR 2.8 (1.6)
million and the reported operating profit was EUR 3.5 (1.1) million. The        
comparable financial performance of the discontinued operations excluding       
non-recurring items improved as a result of cost-effectiveness and productivity 

Gross investment in non-current assets in the period under review amounted to   
EUR 1.1 (1.2) million. Investment by the Frozen Foods Business was EUR 0.2 (0.1)
million, by the Fish Products Business EUR 0.5 (0.1) million, by the Vegetable  
Oil Business EUR 0.1 (0.1) million and by the Feeds segment EUR 0.3 (0.9)       
million. The most significant investment was related to the replacement of      
freezers in the Frozen Foods Business and to extending and increasing the       
capacity of the Apetit Kala factory in Kuopio. The investment by Mildola and the
Feeds segment mainly concerned productivity and replacements.                   

There was one investment in shares during the period under review i.e. a sum of 
EUR 10.5 (0.0) million paid for acquiring shares in the Norwegian fish products 
company Maritim Food AS.                                                        

IMPORTANT EVENTS AFTER THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW                                  
On April 12, 2007 Apetit Kala Oy intitiated co-determination negotiations with  
the personnel concerning the planned transfer of production and packaging       
operations from Kerava to Kuopio. The company has been cutting costs by making  
processes more efficient and improving the division of labour among the         
factories. If, however, constant competitiveness is to be guaranteed and        
profitability improved, further steps will need to be taken by the Fish Products
Business. In order to improve productivity and increase cost-effectiveness      
Apetit Kala Oy has made plans to transfer the fish production and packaging     
operations at Kerava to Kuopio. By focusing production operations on Kuopio the 
company is aiming for annual savings of some EUR 0.5 million. Transferring the  
production will require investment of about EUR 0.5 million at Kuopio. The plan 
is to carry this out by the autumn. Terminating production at Kerava is a       
continuation of the company's plan to focus production operations on Kuopio. The
company has already decided to halt production at Kustavi and transfer the      
operations there to Kuopio by the summer. The co-determination negotiations do  
not apply to the storage and collection operations at Kerava.                   

DECISIONS OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                             
The Annual General Meeting of Lännen Tehtaat held on March 29, 2007 approved the
parent company's financial statements and the consolidated financial statements,
and discharged the members of the Board of Directors, the members of the        
Supervisory Board and the CEO from liability for the financial year 2006.       

The Annual General Meeting approved the distribution of a dividend of EUR 0.84  
(0.73) per share in accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors. The 
total dividend amount of EUR 5.3 million was transferred from retained earnings 
and recorded in current non-interest bearing liabilities in the balance sheet at
the end of March. The dividend was paid on April 12, 2007                       

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to decide on       
issuing new shares in the form of an issue against payment and on surrendering  
company shares held by the company in one or more tranches. A maximum total of  
631,757 new shares may be issued, and a maximum of 65,000 shares held by the    
company may be surrendered. The subscription price for the new shares is, at a  
minimum, their nominal value, i.e. EUR 2.00. The surrender price for the company
shares held by the company is, at a minimum, their current value at the time of 
surrender determined on the basis of the price in public trading on the Helsinki
Stock Exchange. The Board of Directors was authorized to diverge from the       
shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right on condition that the company has a
pressing financial reason to do so. The authorization also covers the right to  
offer shares not only against money payment but also against capital            
consideration in kind or on some other specified conditions or by using the     
right of set-off, and to decide on the subscription price and other terms and   
conditions related to share issues.                                             
The authorization is valid until the next Annual General Meeting. The           
authorization repeals the previous share issue authorization given on March 29, 
2006 and the authorization given on the same date to surrender the company's own

So far the Board of Directors has not exercised the share issue authorization   
given by the Annual General Meeting.                                            

In the period under review 322,015 (658,741) company shares were traded on the  
Stock Exchange i.e. 5.1% (10.4%) of the total stock. The highest share price was
EUR 24.50 (23.42) and the lowest EUR 22.20 (17.90). The share turnover totalled 
EUR 7.7 (13.3) million. The market capitalization at the end of the period was  
EUR 145.2 (144.8) million.                                                      

MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                               
At a meeting held on April 11, 2007 the Supervisory Board of Lännen Tehtaat Plc 
elected the following to the Board of Directors: Harri Eela, Aappo Kontu, Matti 
Lappalainen, Hannu Simula, Soili Suonoja and Tom v. Weymarn. Tom v. Weymarn was 
elected Chairman of the Board and Hannu Simula Vice Chairman.                   

The average number of personnel during the period under review was 938 (968).   
The number of people working in the Frozen Foods Business was 243 (252), in the 
Fish Products Business 320 (295), in the Vegetable Oil Business 36 (35) and in  
Other Operations 11 (27). The combined number of people working in the Feeds    
segment and Grain Trading was 328 (359). The number of personel at Apetit Suomi 
Oy has been divided in relation to the services charged to the Frozen Foods     
Business and Fish Products Business. Personnel in Other Operations in the       
comparative period includes those working at Harviala Oy.                       

SEASONAL NATURE OF OPERATIONS                                                   
The transition to IFRS reporting has had a noticeable impact on the accrual of  
Lännen Tehtaat's profits over the financial year. Because of the production that
focuses on seasonal crops and the valuation of inventories in accordance with   
IAS 2, most of the Group's annual profit accrues during the final quarter of the
year. Because of production that focuses on seasonal crops, the seasonality of  
the operations is at its strongest in the Frozen Foods Business and in the      
operations of the associated company Sucros.                                    

Apetit Kala's sales depend largely on seasonal holidays. A major proportion of  
the entire year's profit depends on the success of Christmas sales.             

There is some seasonal fluctuation in the Feed segment, too. The net sales of   
Grain Trading vary annually and quarterly depending on supply and demand and on 
prices in Finland and on other markets.                                         

The most significant risks for the Lännen Tehtaat Group are associated with     
controlling changes in the raw-material prices, succeeding with planned         
operations to transfer production and succeeding with the takeover of a foreign 
corporate acquisition. The sale of the majority of the agricultural business    
operations is still in the hands of the Finnish Competition Authority.          

In the Fish Products Business and Vegetable Oil Business and in the Feed segment
and Grain Trading Operations that are available for sale, the prices of the most
important raw materials are determined by world markets. Because of the fierce  
competition prevailing on domestic markets not all the increases in raw-material
prices can necessarily be absorbed fully in sales prices, which has a negative  
effect on sales margins and profit.                                             

PROSPECTS FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR                                                   

Continuing operations                                                           

The net sales for the Frozen Foods Business for the entire year are expected to 
be about the same as for 2006. Product sales are expected to grow by about 5%.  
With the transfer of contract farming of sugar beet to the care of Sucros, sales
of farm supplies will be reduced by almost EUR 3 million. Sales under the Apetit
brand are expected to grow because of a volume increase and changes in the      
product mix. Hotel, restaurant and catering sales and industrial sales are      
expected to make good progress. Sales under retailers' own brands and exports   
are expected to fall. The financial performance for the entire year for the     
Frozen Foods Business is forecast to be better than in the comparative year.    

In the Fish Products Business, sales by Apetit Kala are expected to continue to 
grow with further processing of products and as the proportion of industrially  
packaged fish in relation to all the retailed fish grows. The merger of the     
Maritim Food AS Group with Lännen Tehtaat's Fish Products Business in March will
increase the Fish Products Business's net sales this year by an estimated EUR 20
million or more. The Fish Products Business is expected to be able to improve   
profitability this year following productivity measures and the financial       
performance for the entire year is expected to improve also as a result of the  
merger with the Maritim Food Group.                                             

The Vegetable Oil Business's net sales are forecast to show a slight increase   
over 2006 because of a small volume increase and small rise in product prices.  
As raw-material prices have risen much more than product prices, the refining   
margin and operating profit are expected to fall short of the exceptionally good
levels in 2005 and 2006.                                                        

The net sales of the Group's continuing operations are expected to increase over
2006 because of growth by the Fish Products Business and Vegetable Oil Business.
The operating profit of the continuing operations excluding non-recurring items 
is expected to be better than the equivalent figure for 2006.                   

Discontinued operations                                                         

The sale of a majority shareholding in Suomen Rehu Ltd and Avena Nordic Grain Oy
is expected to be completed in May-June, bringing with it an estimated profit of
EUR 7-8 million before the effect on the profit and equity of discontinued      
planned depreciation on the basis of IFRS regulations. In the first quarter this
effect, which will reduce the profit, was about EUR 0.6 million. After the sale 
of the majority shareholdings Suomen Rehu Ltd and Nordic Grain Oy will be       
converted into associated companies of Lännen Tehtaat Plc.                      

The net sales for the entire year for the Feeds segment are predicted to stand  
at 2006 level. The operating profit is expected to increase because of          
productivity measures and a reduction in fixed costs.                           

In Grain Trading net sales for the entire year are expected to go up because a  
growth in volumes. It is thought that Avena Nordic Grain Oy's financial         
performance will improve slightly over 2006 because of an increase in the sales 

FORECAST FOR THE SECOND QUARTER                                                 

As a result of the growth in the Fish Products Business' net sales, the net     
sales of the continuing operations are forecast to increase to some extent in   
the second quarter of the year compared with 2006. The operating profit         
excluding non-recurring items is expected to be at the level of the comparative 
period in the second quarter.                                                   

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   
EUR million                                                                     
                                              1-3/    1-3/    1-12/             
                                              2007    2006     2006             
                                            3 mths  3 mths  12 mths             
Continuing operations                                                           

Net sales                                     39.8     36.3   149.6             

Other operating income                         0.3      0.3     1.9             
Operating expenses                           -39.3    -37.0  -143.4             
Depreciation                                  -1.1     -1.2    -4.6             
Impairment                                      -        -     -0.2             

Operating profit/loss                         -0.3     -1.6     3.3             

Financial income and expenses                  0.1      2.4     3.5             
Share of profit of associated                                                   
companies                                     -0.4     -0.5     1.5             

Profit/loss before taxes                      -0.5      0.3     8.4             

Income taxes                                   0.1     -0.4    -2.2             

Profit for the period,                                                          
continuing operations                         -0.4     -0.1     6.2             

Discontinued operations                                                         

Profit for the period,                                                          
discontinued operations                        2.3      0.5     6.9             

Profit for the period                          1.9      0.4    13.1             

Attributable to:                                                                
   Equity holders of the parent                1.9      0.2    13.1             
   Minority interest                            -       0.2      -              

Earnings per share, calculated of                                               
the profit attributable to the                                                  
shareholders of the parent company                                              
Basic and diluted earnings per                                                  
share, EUR, continuing operations            -0.06    -0.05    1.00             

Basic and diluted earnings per                                                  
share, EUR, discontinued operations          -0.37    -0.08    1.10             

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
EUR million                                                                     
                               March 31,2007   March 31,2006  Dec 31, 2006      
Non-current assets                                                              
Tangible assets                         38.0            71.6          67.4      
Goodwill                                 6.2            17.4          17.4      
Intangible assets                        3.3             1.6           1.5      
Investment in associated                                                        
companies                               23.4            20.9          23.1      
Available-for-sale investments           0.1             0.3           0.1      
Receivables                              5.7             7.0           5.8      
Deferred tax assets                      0.2             1.2           0.3      
                                        76.9           120.0         115.6      
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                             24.3            45.0          65.3      
Receivables                             11.0            31.9          49.0      
Cash and cash equivalents                4.6            14.7           7.5      
                                        39.9            91.6         121.9      
Non-current assets                                                              
classified as held for sale            119.0              -             -       

Total assets                           235.8           211.6         237.5      

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                          
Equity attributable to the                                                      
equity holders of the parent                                                    
company                                115.6           106.8         119.2      
Minority interest                         -              3.9             -      
Total equity                           115.6           110.7         119.2      

Non-current liabilities                                                         
Long term financial liabilities          3.2            14.0           7.0      
Deferred tax liabilities                 4.5             6.9           7.0      
Long-term provisions                     0.2             0.9             -      
Non-current liabilities total            7.9            21.8          14.0      

Current liabilities                                                             
Trade payables and other                                                        
liabilities                             23.9            50.2          55.2      
Short-term financial liabilities        13.2            27.9          49.1      
Short-term provisions                     -              0.9             -      
Current liabilities total               37.1            79.0         104.3      

Liabilities directly associated                                                 
with non-current assets                                                         
classified as held for sale             75.3                                    

Total liabilities                      120.3           100.9         118.3      

Total equity and liabilities           235.8           211.6         237.5      

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                
EUR million                                                                     
                                    1-3/2007        1-3/2006     1-12/2006      
                                      3 mths          3 mths       12 mths      

Cash flow from operating                                                        
activities                               5.5             4.7          -6.4      
Cash flow from investing                                                        
activities                             -10.2             2.7          -2.7      
Cash flow from financing                                                        
  Change in net debt                     3.2            -4.0          10.1      
  Dividends paid                          -               -           -4.6      
Net increase/decrease in cash                                                   
and cash equivalents                    -1.5             3.5          -3.7      

Cash and cash equivalents                                                       
at beginning of the period               7.5            11.2          11.2      
Cash and cash equivalents                                                       
at end of the period                     6.0            14.7           7.5      

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     
EUR million                                                                     

A = Share capital                                                               
B = Share premium account                                                       
C = Net unrealised gains                                                        
D = Other reserves                                                              
E = Own shares                                                                  
F = Translation differences                                                     
G = Retained earnings                                                           
H = Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company                 
I = Minority interest                                                           
J = Shareholders' equity total                                                  

                 A      B     C     D     E     F     G       H     I      J    
equity at                                                                       
Jan. 1, 2006   2.6   23.4   1.8   7.3  -0.8  -0.2  68.3   112.4   3.7  116.1    

financial assets:                                                               
 transferred to                                                                 
 income statement       -  -2.1     -     -     -     -    -2.1     -   -2.1    
Cash flow hedges:                                                               
 gains recorded                                                                 
 in equity              -   0.7     -     -     -     -     0.7     -    0.7    
Taxes related to                                                                
items entered into                                                              
equity and removed                                                              
from equity             -   0.4     -     -     -     -     0.4     -    0.4    
differences             -     -     -     -   0.0     -     0.0     -    0.0    
distribution            -     -     -     -     -  -4.6    -4.6     -   -4.6    
Profit for period       -     -     -     -     -   0.2     0.2   0.2    0.4    

aquity at	                                                                      
March 31,2006  12.6  23.4   0.8   7.3  -0.8   -0.2  63.9  106.8   3.9  110.7    

aquity at                                                                       
Jan. 1, 2007   12.6  23.4   0.4   7.3  -0.8   -0.2  76.5  119.2   0.0  119.2    

Cash flow hedges:                                                               
  gains recorded                                                                
  in equity             -  -0.1     -     -     -      -   -0.1     -   -0.1    
Taxes related to                                                                
items entered into                                                              
equity and removed                                                              
from equity             -    -     -     -     -      -      -      -     -     
differences             -                     -0.1         -0.1         -0.1    
Other changes                                       -0.1   -0.1         -0.1    
distribution            -           -     -     -   -5.3   -5.3     -   -5.3    
Profit for period       -           -     -     -    2.0    2.0    0.0   2.0    

equity at                                                                       
March 31, 2007 12.6  23.4   0.3   7.3  -0.8  -0.3   73.2  115.7    0.0 115.6    

Discontinued operations included translation differences EUR -0.2 million.      

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             
BUSINESS SEGMENTS                                                               

A  Frozen Foods                                                                 
B  Fish                                                                         
C  Vegetable Oil                                                                
D  Other Operations                                                             
E  Continuing operations total                                                  
F  Discontinued operations                                                      
G  Group total                                                                  

Business segments 1-3/2007                                                      
EUR million                     A       B       C       D       E       F       
External sales                                                                  
Product sales                13.3    16.3    10.0       -     39.6   74.1       
Services sold                   -     0.1       -     1.0      1.1    1.5       
Total external sales         13.3    16.4    10.0     1.0     40.7   75.6       
Intra group sales             0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.9     -0.9   -3.0       
Net sales                    13.3    16.4    10.0     0.1     39.8   72.6       

Operating profit/loss         0.5    -0.2     0.4    -1.0     -0.3    3.5       

Share of profits/losses                                                         
of associated companies       0.0     0.0       -    -0.4     -0.4    0.1       

Assets                       25.7    39.3    10.5    41.7    117.2  111.4       
Total assets                                                                    

Liabilities                   4.2    11.5     1.8     2.5     20.0   31.6       
Total liabilities                                                               

Gross investments in                                                            
non-current assets            0.2     0.5     0.1     0.0      0.8    0.3       
Corporate acquisitions and                                                      
other share purchases           -       -       -    10.5     10.5      -       

Depreciation                  0.4     0.2     0.1     0.3      1.1    0.2       
Impairment                      -       -       -       -        -      -       

Personnel                     243     320      36      11      610    328       

Business segments 1-3/2006                                                      
EUR million                     A       B       C       D       E       F       
External sales                                                                  
Product sales                12.8    13.4    10.1     0.0    36.3    62.1       
Services sold                 0.0     0.0       -       -     0.0     1.5       
Total external sales         12.8    13.4    10.1     0.0    36.3    63.6       
Intra group sales             0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0     0.0    -2.9       
Net sales                    12.8    13.4    10.1     0.0    36.3    60.7       

Operating profit/loss        -0.8     0.4     0.7    -1.9    -1.6     1.1       

Share of profits/losses                                                         
of associated companies       0.0     0.0       -    -0.4    -0.5     0.0       

Assets                       26.0    17.7    11.0    42.4    97.1    97.4       
Total assets                                                                    

Liabilities                   6.8    7.4      2.1     4.5    20.8    28.3       
Total liabilities                                                               

Gross investments in                                                            
non-current assets            0.1     0.1     0.1     0.0    0.3      0.9       
Corporate acquisitions and                                                      
other share purchases           -       -       -       -      -        -       

Depreciation                  0.7     0.2     0.2     0.1    1.2      0.9       
Impairment                      -       -       -       -      -        -       

Personnel                     252      295     35      27    609      359       

Business segments 1-12/2006                                                     
EUR million                     A       B       C       D       E       F       
External sales                                                                  
Product sales                50.2    58.8    40.6     0.0   149.6   263.7       
Services sold                 0.0     0.1       -       -     0.1     6.1       
Total external sales         50.2    58.9    40.6     0.0   149.7   269.8       
Intra group sales            -0.1     0.0     0.0     0.0    -0.1   -10.7       
Net sales                    50.1    58.9    40.6     0.0   149.6   259.1       

Operating profit/loss         1.6     1.7     3.0    -3.0     3.3    11.2       

Share of profits/losses                                                         
of associated companies       0.0     0.0       -     1.6     1.5     0.1       

Assets                       24.9    23.9    14.3    45.8   108.9   120.5       
Total assets                                                                    

Liabilities                   6.3     9.4     2.7     2.2    20.6    33.7       
Total liabilities                                                               

Gross investments in                                                            
non-current assets            0.8     0.6     0.4     0.1     1.9     5.7       
Corporate acquisitions and                                                      
other share purchases           -       -       -     3.0     3.0       -       

Depreciation                  2.7     0.8     0.6     0.5     4.6     3.6       
Impairment                      -     0.2       -       -     0.2       -       

Personnel                     275     303      36      19     633     348       

Unallocated items include tax and financing items together with items common to 
the whole group.                                                                

GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENTS                                                           

A  Finland                                                                      
B  Scandinavia                                                                  
C  Baltic countries and Russia                                                  
D  Other countries                                                              
E  Continuing operations total                                                  
F  Discontinued operations                                                      
G  Group total                                                                  

Geographical segments 1-3/2007                                                  

EUR million                     A       B       C       D       E       F       
Net sales                    33.4     4.7     0.1     1.6    39.8    72.6       
Assets                       97.5    19.3     0.0       -   116.8   119.0       
Gross investments in                                                            
non-currents assets          0.8      0.0       -       -     0.8     0.3       
Corporate acquisitions and                                                      
other share purchases          -     10.5       -       -    10.5       -       

Geographical segments 1-3/2006                                                  

EUR million                     A       B       C       D       E       F       
Net sales                    32.0     0.9     0.3     3.1    36.3    60.7       
Assets                      112.3       -     0.0       -   112.3    99.3       
Gross investments in                                                            
non-currents assets          0.3        -       -       -     0.3     0.9       
Corporate acquisitions and                                                      
other share purchases          -        -       -       -       -       -       

Geographical segments 1-12/2006                                                 

EUR million                     A       B       C       D       E       F       
Net sales                   134.5     4.4     1.8     8.9   149.6   259.1       
Assets                      116.0       -     0.0       -   116.0   121.5       
Gross investments in                                                            
non-currents assets           1.9       -       -       -     1.9     5.7       
Corporate acquisitions and                                                      
other share purchases         3.0       -       -       -     3.0       -       

Lännen Tehtaat plc and SOK subsidiary Hankkija-Maatalous Oy have 19.1.2007      
signed a share-purchase agreement whereby 51% of the shares in Suomen Rehu Ltd  
and Avena Nordic Grain Oy will be transferred to the ownership of               
Hankkija-Maatalous Oy. The transaction will be finally closed once the          
competition authorities have given their approval.                              
The enterprise value of the business operations of Suomen Rehu and Avena has    
been agreed at EUR 81 million. The price for the 51 per cent of the shares in   
the companies to be sold will be about EUR 28 million. The purchaser will also  
assume responsibility for the net debts of Suomen Rehu and Avena at the moment  
when the closing takes place. The exact price for the shares will be determined 
on the basis of the assets and liabilities of the companies to be sold at the   
moment when the closing takes place.                                            

The transaction will not include the shares of the oil seed processing company  
Mildola Oy, which have been transferred to the ownership of Lännen Tehtaat plc. 

The sale of the majority shareholding is expected to take place in the second   
quarter of 2007.                                                                

In connection with the sale of the majority shareholding an option scheme has   
also been agreed under which Lännen Tehtaat will, if it wishes, have the right  
to sell the remaining 49% of the shares in Suomen Rehu Ltd and Avena Nordic     
Grain Oy to Hankkija-Maatalous. The latter, for its part, has a purchasing      
option for the remaining shares, which it will be able to put into effect at the
earliest 15 months after the purchase of the majority holding.                  

The combined net sales of the companies to be sold in 2006 was EUR 259 million  
and the operating profit under IFRS standards was EUR 11.2 million. In 2006,    
there were in average 348 people working for Suomen Rehu and Avena.             

EUR million                               1-3/2007     1-3/2006   1-12/2006     

Revenue                                       72.6         60.7       259.1     
Expenses                                     -69.5        -60.0      -249.8     
Profit before taxes                            3.1          0.7         9.3     
Taxes                                         -0.8         -0.2        -2.4     
Profit after tax on                                                             
discontinued operations                        2.3          0.5         6.9     

EUR million                         March 31, 2007                              

Long-term assets                              50.7                              
Short-term assets                             68.2                              
Long-termi liabilities                        14.8                              
Short-term liabiilties                        60.5                              
Assets and liabilities on                                                       
discontinued operations                       43.6                              

EUR million                               1-3/2007     1-3/2006   1-12/2006     
Cash flows from operating activities           7.4          1.4        -7.1     
Cash flows from investing activities          -0.2         -0.9         1.4     
Cash flows from financing activities          -6.2         -4.1         2.2     
Total cash flows                               1.0         -3.5        -3.4     

The change in the net working capital has a significant effect on the operating 
cash flows.                                                                     

Lännen Tehtaat strengthened its Food business in accordance with its operational
strategy and acquired 28.2.2007 the shares of the Norwegian fish product        
manufacturer Maritim Food AS. The deal included Maritim Food AS and its         
wholly-owned Swedish subsidiaries Maritim Food Sweden AB and Maritim Food Sweden
Egendom AB, as well as its 47.5% minority interest in the Norwegian Sandanger   
AS. In addition, the deal includes a call option which will enable Maritim Food 
AS to increase its holding in Sandanger AS to 51% in the future.                

The purchase price of the shares was EUR 10 million. In addition the cost of    
acquisition includes transaction costs amounting approximately to EUR 0.5       
million. The final purchase price of the shares will be affected by the 2007    
financial results of Maritim Food and Sandanger AS, which has an effect between 
EUR 0 - 1.3 million. The purchase price will also be affected by the audited    
development of the assets and liabilities between June 30, 2006 and the date of 
closing. The acquisition has been recognised on a preliminary basis in the      
manner permitted by IFRS 3. Determination of the fair value of the company's    
assets and liabilities was still incomplete at the time the interim report was  
published. The effects of the additional purchase price elements have not yet   
been able to be determined reliably and they are not included in the acquisition
cost. The interim report includes goodwill amounted to 5.6 million and it will  
change as the purchase price calculation completes.                             

                                            Fair value      Acquiree's carrying 
                                          Feb 28, 2007                  amounts 
                                                                   Feb 28, 2007 
EUR million                                                                     
Intangible assets                                  2.7                      0.0 
Tangible assets                                    4.2                      3.6 
Deferred tax assets                                0.0                      0.0 
Inventories                                        3.5                      3.1 
Trade receivables and other receivables            2.6                      2.6 
Cash and cash equivalents                          1.3                      1.3 
Total assets                                      14.3                     10.7 

Deferred tax liabilities                           1.0                      0.0 
Long-term liabilities                              5.7                      5.7 
Short-term liabilities                             2.8                      2.8 
Total liabilities                                  9.5                      8.6 

Net assets                                         4.8                      2.2 
Acquisition cost                                  10.5                          
Goodwill                                           5.6                          

Purchase consideration settled in cash            10.5                          
Cash and cash equivalents in subsidiary acquired   1.3                          
Cash outflow on acquisition                        9.2                          

KEY INDICATORS                                                                  
                               March 31,2007   March 31,2006  Dec 31, 2006      

Shareholders' equity per                                                        
share, EUR                             18.50           17.71         19.06      
Equity ratio, %                         49.1            52.4          50.3      
Gearing %                               46.0            24.6          40.7      
Gross investments in non-                                                       
current assets, EUR million              1.1             1.2           7.6      
Corporate acquisitions and other                                                
share purchases, EUR million            10.5              -            3.0      
Average number of personnel              938             968           981      
Average number of shares, 1 000        6 253           6 253         6 253      

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          
EUR million                                                                     
                               March 31,2007   March 31,2006  Dec 31, 2006      

Mortgages given for debts:                                                      
Real estate mortgages                    37.5           40.7          37.5      
Corporate mortgages                      51.4           51.4          51.4      
Share pledged                            13.0            3.6           3.6      

Leasing liabilities                       1.0            1.3           1.1      

Non-cancellable other leases,                                                   
minimum lease payments                    6.5            2.7           2.8      
Contingent liabilities for own                                                  
Repurchasing commitments                  0.0            0.1            0.0     
Estimated additional share                                                      
purchase price                        0.0-2.0              -              -     

Contingent liabilities on behalf                                                
of the associated companies:                                                    
Repurchasing commitments                   -             0.1             -      

OUTSTANDING VALUES OF DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS                                    

Forward currency contracts                0.8            0.6            4.5     
Commodity derivative instruments          2.8            3.4            4.6     
Interest rate swaps                      25.0           25.0           25.0     

LÄNNEN TEHTAAT PLC                                                              
Board of Directors                                                              

More details: Matti Karppinen, CEO, tel. +358 10 402 4001                       

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Main media                                                             
