Lännen Tehtaat plans to launch ethanol production

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LÄNNEN TEHTAAT PLC     STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE      April 10, 2006 at 12;00

Lännen Tehtaat plans to launch ethanol production

Lännen Tehtaat has conducted a feasibility study on the launching of ethanol
production in western or south-western Finland. The ethanol would be for use
primarily in transportation fuels. The study shows that this part of Finland has
the best potential for producing ethanol for fuel purposes. The region has
sufficient barley-growing farming capacity to supply raw material for an ethanol
plant. The region is also home to one of the two main pig farming areas in
Finland, which is important with regard to utilization of the animal-feed by-
products of an ethanol plant. The region also has a number of animal feed
factories that could use some of the by-products from an ethanol plant as raw
material for their animal feeds. The study shows that it would be possible to
produce ethanol for fuel in Finland on a profitable basis if integrated with the
animal feed industry.

The preliminary plan involves the ethanol plant producing 66 million kilos (83.5
million litres) of ethanol per year. This could generate 100 million kilos of
animal-feed by-products. The tentative cost estimate of the investment is EUR 45
million. The net turnover that could be generated from the ethanol and animal-
feed fractions produced is some EUR 50 million at current prices. The company
would employ about 40 people, and production could be started midway through

The feasibility study assumes that the production plant is located at Säkylä, on
the Iso-Vimma industrial estate. Such a location would enable use of Lännen
Rehu's drying facilities during processing of the by-products. There is also
sufficient capacity in the area for treatment of the wastewater from the ethanol
plant. The presence of the sugar mill there would also allow any sugar in excess
of the quota to be processed for ethanol. Convenient raw material storage
facilities are available in the region at Kokemäki, Rauma and Loimaa, and grain
traders in the Satakunta region also have significant storage facilities.

Important factors for the location of the ethanol plant are the availability of
raw material (barley), transport costs, sale of animal-feed components, and
transport distances from the plant to livestock farms. Säkylä is a favourable
location in view of all these factors. Shipping is important for ethanol
deliveries, and Rauma port is sufficiently close to Säkylä to ensure competitive
sea transport.

Following the preliminary studies, Lännen Tehtaat has decided to conduct an
environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the factory investment in Säkylä, which
is required in order for the ethanol plant to be built. An environmental permit
cannot be obtained without completing the EIA procedure. It is estimated that the
procedure would take no more than one year to complete. Lännen Tehtaat has also
decided to apply to the Ministry of Trade and Industry for investment subsidy
intended for energy investments.

So far, no decisions have been taken in Finland concerning the subsidizing of
biofuel production through tax relief or concerning the mandatory use of biofuel
through the required addition of a biologically produced component in
transportation fuels. It is a prerequisite for this investment that sufficient
long-term provision is enacted by law for domestic consumption of ethanol in
transportation fuels.

The profitability of ethanol production is primarily dependent on the price of
ethanol, which is determined on the global market. Domestic supply and demand do
not play a critical role in determining ethanol prices. Naturally, the value of a
product is highest when it can be consumed where it is produced. The price of
ethanol has risen sharply over the past year.

Ethanol production in Finland can only be profitable if it uses domestic raw
materials. The capacity of Finnish agriculture to respond to the demand for
barley is limited. We estimate that 250,000 tonnes of barley can be acquired for
ethanol production without the increased demand causing significant pressures on
raw material prices. If the production of barley-based ethanol were to increase
significantly from that which is now planned, the increased demand would raise
the price of barley and undermine the profitability of ethanol production.

The plan is to set up a new limited company to handle the ethanol production. The
project could be implemented by Lännen Tehtaat alone or in cooperation with
partners. Locations other than Säkylä can be considered if some other location
proves to be more advantageous in the final analysis. Negotiations with eventual
partners could be entered into once the plans have been finalized in autumn 2006.


Matti Karppinen

More information: Matti Karppinen, CEO, tel. +358 10 402 00

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