MeMap Introduces the Next Generation of Location Sharing on iOS

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Powerful new way to see who’s around and what they’re up to, just using a Facebook log-in  

San Francisco, CA -- March 24th, 2011 -- MeMap, unveiled today, is an iOS app that enables everyone to see which friends are around and what they’re up to, without any hassle. The current generation of location-based social networks make actually seeing your social network difficult and impractical in real time. MeMap’s tight integration with Facebook and Facebook Places aggregates all geo-data shared via Facebook through any location-based social network into one, easy-to-view map interface.

Though location-based networks including FourSquare, Loopt, Gowalla and Buzzd are only gaining traction, they remain fragmented, lack Facebook’s critical mass of users, and only return value for people with friends on specific networks. Since MeMap aggregates all location-based data shared from any network to Facebook Places, MeMap users are already part of a massive worldwide network. Users can stick to enjoying their friends’ posts or easily share their own location via Facebook Places, Twitter or to MeMap friends.

Breaking Down Barriers to Entry:
People don’t want to join new social networks. With MeMap they, don’t have to. The 100 million Facebook users on iOS simply log-in to use MeMap. As an open network built on top of Facebook Places, MeMap is a powerful tool at the center of the social networks people already love. MeMap has no barriers to entry, offering users the ability to visualize location-based data their friends are already sharing.  

For everyone who enjoys sharing their location, MeMap is a clean and intuitive way to visualize and post geo-data, while still holding privacy sacred. It offers single tap check-ins, but isn't “always on,” and has sophisticated privacy features that even let users delete all their personal data. When users check-in to their favorite locations, MeMap also offers a fun, light weight scoring system for those who like to compete and earn rewards.

“With MeMap you can share your location easily and check-in to earn rewards. Even more importantly, you can visually consume what's already being shared, better,” says Matt Farnell, Founder of MeMap.

“We draw an analogy between our concept in the location sharing space, and the way that people have evolved to use Twitter. The current location sharing networks would be like limiting Twitter to the content creators, excluding anyone preferring to simply follow,” says Matt Farnell, Founder of MeMap.

MeMap is available for free on the iTunes App Store for iPhone and iPod touch at:

For more information please visit:
Twitter: @MeMap

Contact Info:
Kevin Jordan

About MeMap
MeMap is a mobile iOS application that enables everyone to see which friends are around and what they’re up to, without any hassle. Through MeMap, people can visualize the locations that friends and family are sharing on Facebook Places directly, or via other location sharing social networks. MeMap offers simple sharing and visualisation of location data at the center of the social networks people already love, while maintaining their privacy.

Based in San Francisco and Perth, Australia, MeMap was launched in 2011 by Matt Farnell.
