Arctic Gold AB (ARCT): Arctic Gold changes the Planprogram and resubmits application

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The Municipal Government of Kautokeino yesterday surprisingly rejected the proposed Planprogram that Arctic Gold had worked out. The Nordreisa Municipality, on the other hand, accepted the same Planprogram. Arctic Gold has discussed the matter with several authorities and experts in Norway to understand the process and to get advice on how to progress with the work. The Company therefore intends to make certain changes to the Planprogram and to thereafter request that the Municipality re-processes the case.

When the Municipal Government of Kautokeino rejected Arctic Gold's Planprogram, they simultaneously said no to all the knowledge regarding their local community which would have resulted from the environmental impact study which Arctic Gold was ready to carry out and finance. According to the Norwegian "Plan och Byggloven" (planning and building law) the municipalities were supposed to decide on the factual contents of the proposed Planprogram. The debate in the Kautokeino Municipal Government, however, instead concerned mining vs. reindeer farming, rather than a decision about what environmental impact studies should be done. The experts that Arctic Gold has asked for advice unanimously consider that the municipality should process our case and establish a Planprogram so that the environmental impact studies can be carried out and so that sufficient supporting data exists for a later decision regarding where the operations will be allowed.

Artic Gold is ready to continue the work toward opening mining operations at Bidjovagge and will apply for re-processing of the case ASAP.

For further information, please contact the company's CEO and Qualified Person as per SweMin as well as Europe Geologist.

Lars-Åke Claesson
Arctic Gold AB
46 18 156423
46 70 6733294

Arctic Gold's business concept is to engage in exploration activities to discover and demonstrate commercially extractable gold and base metal deposits in Scandinavia; The strategy is primarily to carry out exploration work and either sell the project within a few years or to establish mining activities under the company's own control or through a partnership with other companies. Arctic Gold focuses mainly on the Bidjovagge project in northern Norway and current gold and base metal permits in Västerbotten and Norrbotten.