SAP Patent Family Entirely Approved

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ArcticZymes AS finalizes its protection of the SAP patent family  

TROMSØ, NORWAY, May 9, 2012 - ArcticZymes AS, a subsidiary of Biotec Pharmacon ASA (TICKER: BIOTEC) has received a Notice of Allowance for the Norwegian patent application of the SAP-patent family.

The allowed patent covers the product and its use as well as the method of producing SAP, ArcticZymes' top-selling enzyme Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP). With the approval of this new patent in Norway, ArcticZymes has now a comprehensive patent protection for SAP. There are no further patent applications pending in this patent family, all have been approved. Aside the recently granted Norwegian patent, the SAP-technology is now protected in 17 other countries including major markets like the USA, Japan, UK, Germany, France and Italy.

Adding this patent application to the already large and strong portfolio of existing patent families protecting its main phosphatase, glycosylase and nuclease products, ArcticZymes has now further improved its strong proprietary position on this field. "This latest patent approval will give us the opportunity to secure our home market and prevent third parties from producing, using, selling or marketing SAP in Norway." said Jan Buch Andersen, Managing Director of ArcticZymes AS. "With the final approval of all SAP-patents, we have now a clear view of the opportunities present in these markets and are now able to focus entirely on the commercialization of this outstanding product." he adds. ArcticZymes AS develops, produces and sells enzymes used in molecular DNA technologies and diagnostics. The market is highly expansive, and the rapid and diversifying technological development creates a strong market demand for new and improved enzymes. 

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. 

For further information, please contact Managing Director ArcticZymes AS - Jan Buch Andersen - Tel: +47 46746171 CEO Biotec Pharmacon ASA – Svein Lien – Tel: +47 92289323 

About Biotec Pharmacon ASA: Biotec Pharmacon is a biopharmaceutical company that develops and manufactures new immunomodulatory products and cold adapted marine enzymes via its two subsidiaries Biotec BetaGlucans AS and ArcticZymes AS.

Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act: With the exception of the historical information contained in this release, the matters described herein contain forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties that may individually or mutually impact the matters herein described, including but not limited to, product acceptance, the ability to continually obtained increased orders of its products, the ability to meet installation goals, economic, competitive, governmental impacts, whether pending patents will be granted or defendable, validity of intellectual property and patents, the ability to license patents, the ability to commercializedevelopmental products, as well as technological and/or other factors.


