Arise Windpower explores the terms for issuing a corporate bond

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Arise Windpower has since the listing on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm in the spring of 2010 developed favourably and in line with communicated targets. Today, Arise Windpower has approximately 139 MW in operation and some additional 102 MW under construction compared to 46.5 MW in operation and 31 MW under construction at the time of the company’s listing. Following the acquisition of the project company Jädraås Vindkraft AB, together with Platina Partners LLP, Arise Windpower has strengthened its position as a leading onshore based wind power company and it sees good prospects for further growth, organic as well as through acquisitions. The company’s financial position remains strong.

In order to create additional financial flexibility for continued growth, and in line with operational and financial targets, the company has decided to explore the terms for and the possibilities to issue a corporate bond on the rapidly growing Swedish corporate bond market.

A potential subsequent decision to issue a corporate bond is subject to that the explorations develop favourably. Arise Windpower’s communicated target to initiate construction of at least 50 MW during 2012 remains and is not subject to a potential bond financing. The company assesses that the construction of at least 50 MW in 2012 can be financed through the utilisation of the company’s own cash flow, a more efficient capital structure in existing and new projects, as well as through the sale of single turbines or groups of turbines. The strengthened cash position that a potential corporate bond financing would render will exclusively be used for expansion beyond what has already been planned.

Halmstad, 12 March 2012



For further information, please contact
Peter Nygren, CEO Arise Windpower AB, +46 706 300 680
Linus Hägg, Head of Corporate Finance, Arise Windpower AB, +46 702 448 916

The information contained herein constitutes information which Arise Windpower AB is legally required to publish under the Swedish Securities Market Act (SFS 2007:528) and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was released for publication at 08.00 a.m. on 12 March.      

About Arise Windpower 
Arise Windpower is one of Sweden’s leading companies in onshore wind power. Its business concept is to sell electricity generated at the company’s own wind turbines. The company’s target is to have about 700 MW (equivalent to about 300 wind turbines) in operation or under construction by 2014. Arise Windpower is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

Arise Windpower AB (publ), P.O. Box 808, SE-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden, telephone +46 (0)35 20 20 900, corporate id .no. 556274-6726


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