Array investigates alternative routes for the TonerJet(R) business area

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Array investigates alternative routes for the TonerJet® business area * Matsushita postpones productification decision but continues to develop the technology * Array initiates consortium for completion of TonerJet and discusses joint product project with other licensee Matsushita's decision to start series production of color printers with TonerJet has been put back a number of times. Array's board of directors now makes the judgement that such a decision will be further postponed. A launch of TonerJet has therefore moved to 2003. Array's board therefore judges the situation for the TonerJet business area to be serious. Matsushita continues to develop TonerJet. TonerJet has not yet reached enough stability for a product decision. Insufficient technology development resources at both Array and the licensees have been one of the reasons hereto. At the same time Array's business model means that product decisions lie completely in the hands of licensees. Array has for a while sought to find forms for a wider co-operation around TonerJet and has therefore initiated discussions with licensees about forming a consortium for the joint development of all subsystems specific for TonerJet. The objective is to accelerate the completion of the development by ensuring access to sufficient technical and financial resources. A joint development would considerably reduce the dependence on individual licensees' decision to develop a product. During the summer of 2000 discussions about a more far reaching engagement in a product project was initiated by one of the company's licensees. Array would in this project be responsible for a considerable part of the productification work. Array is investigating the possibility to, with the support of the above mentioned consortium, take on such a responsibility. Array's intention is that the engagement in the planned consortium and the new product project shall ensure the financing of Array's TonerJet activities. For that to happen decisions about consortium and product project must be made during Q1, 2001. ® Array AB has three business areas: printer technology (TonerJet , the core business), embedded processors (Imsys AB, 51.4% of the capital) and displays (Array Displays AB, 100%). For further information, please contact, Stefam Winström, phone +46 31 695200, fax +46 31 695210, e-mail or visit ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by BIT The following files are available for download: